Class Personality<T>

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.enhanced.Personality<T>
Direct Known Subclasses:
GraphPersonality, NodePersonality

public class Personality<T>
extends Object

Defines a set of permitted mappings from [interface] Class objects to Implementation factories that can generate instances of the facet represented by the Class.

Constructor Summary
          base constructor, does nothing [except implicitly create _types_]
Personality(Personality<T> other)
          initialise this personality with the bindings from _other_
Method Summary
<X extends T>
add(Class<X> interf, Implementation impl)
          Add a new interface and its implementation to this Personality.
 Personality<T> add(Personality<T> p)
          extend this personality by adding in all the mappins from the argument _p_.
 Personality<T> copy()
          create a new Personality copying this one; the _types_ state is copied, not shared.
<X extends T>
getImplementation(Class<X> t)
          get the implemementation for the specified type, returning null if there isn't one available.
<X extends T>
newInstance(Class<X> interf, Node n, EnhGraph that)
          make a new instance of a type _interf_ based on the node _n_ and the polymorphic _that_; use the implementation wrapper for _interf_ in _types_.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Personality()
base constructor, does nothing [except implicitly create _types_]


public Personality(Personality<T> other)
initialise this personality with the bindings from _other_

Method Detail


public <X extends T> Personality<T> add(Class<X> interf,
                                        Implementation impl)
Add a new interface and its implementation to this Personality.

interf - The interface to add, expressed as a Type object.
impl - A way of implementing _interf_.


public Personality<T> copy()
create a new Personality copying this one; the _types_ state is copied, not shared.


public <X extends T> Implementation getImplementation(Class<X> t)
get the implemementation for the specified type, returning null if there isn't one available.


public Personality<T> add(Personality<T> p)
extend this personality by adding in all the mappins from the argument _p_. return _this_ (for call chaining).


public <X extends T> X newInstance(Class<X> interf,
                                   Node n,
                                   EnhGraph that)
make a new instance of a type _interf_ based on the node _n_ and the polymorphic _that_; use the implementation wrapper for _interf_ in _types_.

Licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0