Class EnhGraph

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.enhanced.EnhGraph
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class EnhGraph
extends Object

TODO: remove the polymorphic aspect of EnhGraphs.

A specialisation of Polymorphic that models an extended graph - that is, one that containsEnhanced nodes or one that itself exposes additional capabilities beyond the graph API.

WARNING. The polymorphic aspects of EnhGraph are not supported and are not expected to be supported in this way for the indefinite future.

Constructor Summary
EnhGraph(Graph g, Personality<RDFNode> p)
          Construct an enhanced graph from the given underlying graph, and a factory for generating enhanced nodes.
Method Summary
 Graph asGraph()
          Answer the normal graph that this enhanced graph is wrapping.
 boolean equals(Object o)
          An enhanced graph is equal to another graph g iff the underlying graphs are equal.
<X extends RDFNode>
getNodeAs(Node n, Class<X> interf)
          Answer an enhanced node that wraps the given node and conforms to the given interface type.
 com.hp.hpl.jena.util.cache.CacheControl getNodeCacheControl()
          Answer the cache controlle for this graph
 int hashCode()
          Hashcode for an enhnaced graph is delegated to the underlyin graph.
 boolean isIsomorphicWith(EnhGraph eg)
          Answer true if the given enhanced graph contains the same nodes and edges as this graph.
 void setNodeCache(com.hp.hpl.jena.util.cache.Cache cc)
          Set the cache controller object for this graph
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EnhGraph(Graph g,
                Personality<RDFNode> p)
Construct an enhanced graph from the given underlying graph, and a factory for generating enhanced nodes.

g - The underlying plain graph, may be null to defer binding to a given graph until later.
p - The personality factory, that maps types to realisations
Method Detail


public Graph asGraph()
Answer the normal graph that this enhanced graph is wrapping.

A graph


public final int hashCode()
Hashcode for an enhnaced graph is delegated to the underlyin graph.

hashCode in class Object
The hashcode as an int


public final boolean equals(Object o)
An enhanced graph is equal to another graph g iff the underlying graphs are equal. This is deemed to be a complete and correct interpretation of enhanced graph equality, which is why this method has been marked final.

Note that this equality test does not look for correspondance between the structures in the two graphs. To test whether another graph has the same nodes and edges as this one, use isIsomorphicWith(com.hp.hpl.jena.enhanced.EnhGraph).

equals in class Object
o - An object to test for equality with this node
True if o is equal to this node.
See Also:


public final boolean isIsomorphicWith(EnhGraph eg)
Answer true if the given enhanced graph contains the same nodes and edges as this graph. The default implementation delegates this to the underlying graph objects.

eg - A graph to test
True if eg is a graph with the same structure as this.


public <X extends RDFNode> X getNodeAs(Node n,
                                       Class<X> interf)
Answer an enhanced node that wraps the given node and conforms to the given interface type.

n - A node (assumed to be in this graph)
interf - A type denoting the enhanced facet desired
An enhanced node


public com.hp.hpl.jena.util.cache.CacheControl getNodeCacheControl()
Answer the cache controlle for this graph

A cache controller object


public void setNodeCache(com.hp.hpl.jena.util.cache.Cache cc)
Set the cache controller object for this graph

cc - The cache controller

Licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0