Interface RDFNode

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AllDifferent, AllValuesFromRestriction, Alt, AnnotationProperty, Bag, BooleanClassDescription, CardinalityQRestriction, CardinalityRestriction, ComplementClass, Container, DataRange, DatatypeProperty, EnumeratedClass, FunctionalProperty, HasValueRestriction, Individual, IntersectionClass, InverseFunctionalProperty, Literal, MaxCardinalityQRestriction, MaxCardinalityRestriction, MinCardinalityQRestriction, MinCardinalityRestriction, ObjectProperty, OntClass, Ontology, OntProperty, OntResource, Property, QualifiedRestriction, RDFList, ReifiedStatement, Resource, Restriction, Seq, SomeValuesFromRestriction, SymmetricProperty, TransitiveProperty, UnionClass

public interface RDFNode
extends FrontsNode

Interface covering RDF resources and literals. Allows probing whether a node is a literal/[blank, URI]resource, moving nodes from model to model, and viewing them as different Java types using the .as() polymorphism.

Method Summary
<T extends RDFNode>
as(Class<T> view)
          RDFNodes can be converted to different implementation types.
 Literal asLiteral()
          If this node is a Literal, answer that literal; otherwise throw an exception.
 Resource asResource()
          If this node is a Resource, answer that resource; otherwise throw an exception.
<T extends RDFNode>
canAs(Class<T> view)
          Answer true iff this RDFNode can be viewed as an instance of view: that is, if it has already been viewed in this way, or if it has an attached model in which it has properties that permit it to be viewed in this way.
 Model getModel()
          Return the model associated with this resource.
 RDFNode inModel(Model m)
          Answer a .equals() version of this node, except that it's in the model m.
 boolean isAnon()
          Answer true iff this RDFNode is an anonynous resource.
 boolean isLiteral()
          Answer true iff this RDFNode is a literal resource.
 boolean isResource()
          Answer true iff this RDFNode is a URI resource or an anonynous resource (ie is not a literal).
 boolean isURIResource()
          Answer true iff this RDFNode is an named resource.
 String toString()
          Answer a String representation of the node.
 Object visitWith(RDFVisitor rv)
          Apply the appropriate method of the visitor to this node's content and return the result.
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.FrontsNode

Method Detail


String toString()
Answer a String representation of the node. The form of the string depends on the type of the node and is intended for human consumption, not machine analysis.

toString in class Object


boolean isAnon()
Answer true iff this RDFNode is an anonynous resource. Useful for one-off tests: see also visitWith() for making literal/anon/URI choices.


boolean isLiteral()
Answer true iff this RDFNode is a literal resource. Useful for one-off tests: see also visitWith() for making literal/anon/URI choices.


boolean isURIResource()
Answer true iff this RDFNode is an named resource. Useful for one-off tests: see also visitWith() for making literal/anon/URI choices.


boolean isResource()
Answer true iff this RDFNode is a URI resource or an anonynous resource (ie is not a literal). Useful for one-off tests: see also visitWith() for making literal/anon/URI choices.


<T extends RDFNode> T as(Class<T> view)
RDFNodes can be converted to different implementation types. Convert this RDFNode to a type supporting the viewinterface. The resulting RDFNode should be an instance of view and should have any internal invariants as specified.

If the RDFNode has no Model attached, it can only be .as()ed to a type it (this particular RDFNOde) already has.

If the RDFNode cannot be converted, an UnsupportedPolymorphism exception is thrown..


<T extends RDFNode> boolean canAs(Class<T> view)
Answer true iff this RDFNode can be viewed as an instance of view: that is, if it has already been viewed in this way, or if it has an attached model in which it has properties that permit it to be viewed in this way. If canAs returns true, as on the same view should deliver an instance of that class.


Model getModel()
Return the model associated with this resource. If the Resource was not created by a Model, the result may be null.

The model associated with this resource.


RDFNode inModel(Model m)
Answer a .equals() version of this node, except that it's in the model m.

m - a model to move the node to
this, if it's already in m (or no model), a copy in m otherwise


Object visitWith(RDFVisitor rv)
Apply the appropriate method of the visitor to this node's content and return the result.

rv - an RDFVisitor with a method for URI/blank/literal nodes
the result returned by the selected method


Resource asResource()
If this node is a Resource, answer that resource; otherwise throw an exception.


Literal asLiteral()
If this node is a Literal, answer that literal; otherwise throw an exception.

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