Interface Resource

All Superinterfaces:
FrontsNode, RDFNode
All Known Subinterfaces:
AllDifferent, AllValuesFromRestriction, Alt, AnnotationProperty, Bag, BooleanClassDescription, CardinalityQRestriction, CardinalityRestriction, ComplementClass, Container, DataRange, DatatypeProperty, EnumeratedClass, FunctionalProperty, HasValueRestriction, Individual, IntersectionClass, InverseFunctionalProperty, MaxCardinalityQRestriction, MaxCardinalityRestriction, MinCardinalityQRestriction, MinCardinalityRestriction, ObjectProperty, OntClass, Ontology, OntProperty, OntResource, Property, QualifiedRestriction, RDFList, ReifiedStatement, Restriction, Seq, SomeValuesFromRestriction, SymmetricProperty, TransitiveProperty, UnionClass

public interface Resource
extends RDFNode

An RDF Resource. Resource instances when created may be associated with a specific model. Resources created by a model will refer to that model, and support a range of methods, such as getProperty() and addProperty() which will access or modify that model. This enables the programmer to write code in a compact and easy style.

Resources created by ResourceFactory will not refer to any model, and will not permit operations which require a model. Such resources are useful as general constants.

This interface provides methods supporting typed literals. This means that methods are provided which will translate a built in type, or an object to an RDF Literal. This translation is done by invoking the toString() method of the object, or its built in equivalent. The reverse translation is also supported. This is built in for built in types. Factory objects, provided by the application, are used for application objects.

This interface provides methods for supporting enhanced resources. An enhanced resource is a resource to which the application has added behaviour. RDF containers are examples of enhanced resources built in to this package. Enhanced resources are supported by encapsulating a resource created by an implementation in another class which adds the extra behaviour. Factory objects are used to construct such enhanced resources.

Method Summary
 Resource abort()
          Abort the transaction in the associated model.
 Resource addLiteral(Property p, boolean o)
          Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model.
 Resource addLiteral(Property p, char o)
          Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model.
 Resource addLiteral(Property value, double d)
          Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model.
 Resource addLiteral(Property value, float d)
          Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model.
 Resource addLiteral(Property p, Literal o)
          Add the property p with the pre-constructed Literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, o) to this's model.
 Resource addLiteral(Property p, long o)
          Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model.
 Resource addLiteral(Property p, Object o)
          Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model.
 Resource addProperty(Property p, RDFNode o)
          Add a property to this resource.
 Resource addProperty(Property p, String o)
          Add a property to this resource.
 Resource addProperty(Property p, String lexicalForm, RDFDatatype datatype)
          Add a property to this resource.
 Resource addProperty(Property p, String o, String l)
          Add a property to this resource.
 Resource begin()
          Begin a transaction in the associated model.
 Resource commit()
          Commit the transaction in the associated model.
 boolean equals(Object o)
          Determine whether two objects represent the same resource.
 AnonId getId()
          Returns an a unique identifier for anonymous resources.
 String getLocalName()
          Returns the name of this resource within its namespace.
 String getNameSpace()
          Returns the namespace associated with this resource.
 Statement getProperty(Property p)
          Answer some statement (this, p, O) in the associated model.
 Resource getPropertyResourceValue(Property p)
          Answer some resource R for which this.hasProperty( p, R ), or null if no such R exists.
 Statement getRequiredProperty(Property p)
          Get a property value of this resource.
 String getURI()
          Return the URI of the resource, or null if it's a bnode.
 boolean hasLiteral(Property p, boolean o)
          Answer true iff this resource has the value o for property p.
 boolean hasLiteral(Property p, char o)
          Answer true iff this resource has the value o for property p.
 boolean hasLiteral(Property p, double o)
          Answer true iff this resource has the value o for property p.
 boolean hasLiteral(Property p, float o)
          Answer true iff this resource has the value o for property p.
 boolean hasLiteral(Property p, long o)
          Answer true iff this resource has the value o for property p.
 boolean hasLiteral(Property p, Object o)
          Answer true iff this resource has the value o for property p.
 boolean hasProperty(Property p)
          Determine whether this resource has any values for a given property.
 boolean hasProperty(Property p, RDFNode o)
          Test if this resource has a given property with a given value.
 boolean hasProperty(Property p, String o)
          Test if this resource has a given property with a given value.
 boolean hasProperty(Property p, String o, String l)
          Test if this resource has a given property with a given value.
 boolean hasURI(String uri)
          Answer true iff this Resource is a URI resource with the given URI.
 Resource inModel(Model m)
          Override RDFNode.inModel() to produce a staticly-typed Resource in the given Model.
 StmtIterator listProperties()
          Return an iterator over all the properties of this resource.
 StmtIterator listProperties(Property p)
          List all the values of the property p.
 Resource removeAll(Property p)
          Delete all the statements with predicate p for this resource from its associated model.
 Resource removeProperties()
          Delete all the properties for this resource from the associated model.
 String toString()
          Return a string representation of the resource.
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode
as, asLiteral, asResource, canAs, getModel, isAnon, isLiteral, isResource, isURIResource, visitWith
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.FrontsNode

Method Detail


AnonId getId()
Returns an a unique identifier for anonymous resources.

The id is unique within the scope of a particular implementation. All models within an implementation will use the same id for the same anonymous resource.

This method is undefined if called on resources which are not anonymous and may raise an exception.

A unique id for an anonymous resource.


Resource inModel(Model m)
Override RDFNode.inModel() to produce a staticly-typed Resource in the given Model.

Specified by:
inModel in interface RDFNode
m - a model to move the node to
this, if it's already in m (or no model), a copy in m otherwise


boolean hasURI(String uri)
Answer true iff this Resource is a URI resource with the given URI. Using this is preferred to using getURI() and .equals().


String getURI()
Return the URI of the resource, or null if it's a bnode.

The URI of the resource, or null if it's a bnode.


String getNameSpace()
Returns the namespace associated with this resource.

The namespace for this property.


String getLocalName()
Returns the name of this resource within its namespace.

The name of this property within its namespace.


String toString()
Return a string representation of the resource. Returns the URI of the resource unless the resource is anonymous in which case it returns the id of the resource enclosed in square brackets.

Specified by:
toString in interface RDFNode
toString in class Object
Return a string representation of the resource. if it is anonymous.


boolean equals(Object o)
Determine whether two objects represent the same resource.

A resource can only be equal to another resource. If both resources are not anonymous, then they are equal if the URI's are equal. If both resources are anonymous, they are equal only if there Id's are the same. If one resource is anonymous and the other is not, then they are not equal.

equals in class Object
o - The object to be compared.
true if and only if both objects are equal


Statement getRequiredProperty(Property p)
Get a property value of this resource.

The model associated with the resource instance is searched for statements whose subject is this resource and whose predicate is p. If such a statement is found, it is returned. If several such statements are found, any one may be returned. If no such statements are found, an exception is thrown.

p - The property sought.
some (this, p, ?O) statement if one exists
PropertyNotFoundException - if no such statement found


Statement getProperty(Property p)
Answer some statement (this, p, O) in the associated model. If there are several such statements, any one of them may be returned. If no such statements exist, null is returned - in this is differs from getRequiredProperty.

p - the property sought
a statement (this, p, O), or null if no such statements exist here


StmtIterator listProperties(Property p)
List all the values of the property p.

Returns an iterator over all the statements in the associated model whose subject is this resource and whose predicate is p.

p - The predicate sought.
An iterator over the statements.


StmtIterator listProperties()
Return an iterator over all the properties of this resource.

The model associated with this resource is search and an iterator is returned which iterates over all the statements which have this resource as a subject.

An iterator over all the statements about this object.


Resource addLiteral(Property p,
                    boolean o)
Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model. Answer this resource. The typed literal is equal to one constructed by using this.getModel().createTypedLiteral(o).


Resource addLiteral(Property p,
                    long o)
Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model. Answer this resource. The typed literal is equal to one constructed by using this.getModel().createTypedLiteral(o).


Resource addLiteral(Property p,
                    char o)
Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model. Answer this resource. The typed literal is equal to one constructed by using this.getModel().createTypedLiteral(o).


Resource addLiteral(Property value,
                    double d)
Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model. Answer this resource. The typed literal is equal to one constructed by using this.getModel().createTypedLiteral(o).


Resource addLiteral(Property value,
                    float d)
Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model. Answer this resource. The typed literal is equal to one constructed by using this.getModel().createTypedLiteral(o).


Resource addLiteral(Property p,
                    Object o)
Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model. Answer this resource. The typed literal is equal to one constructed by using this.getModel().createTypedLiteral(o).


Resource addLiteral(Property p,
                    Literal o)
Add the property p with the pre-constructed Literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, o) to this's model. Answer this resource. NOTE thjat this is distinct from the other addLiteral methods in that the Literal is not turned into a Literal.


Resource addProperty(Property p,
                     String o)
Add a property to this resource.

A statement with this resource as the subject, p as the predicate and o as the object is added to the model associated with this resource.

p - The property to be added.
o - The value of the property to be added.
This resource to allow cascading calls.


Resource addProperty(Property p,
                     String o,
                     String l)
Add a property to this resource.

A statement with this resource as the subject, p as the predicate and o as the object is added to the model associated with this resource.

p - The property to be added.
o - The value of the property to be added.
l - the language of the property
This resource to allow cascading calls.


Resource addProperty(Property p,
                     String lexicalForm,
                     RDFDatatype datatype)
Add a property to this resource.

A statement with this resource as the subject, p as the predicate and o as the object is added to the model associated with this resource.

p - The property to be added.
lexicalForm - The lexical form of the literal
datatype - The datatype
This resource to allow cascading calls.


Resource addProperty(Property p,
                     RDFNode o)
Add a property to this resource.

A statement with this resource as the subject, p as the predicate and o as the object is added to the model associated with this resource.

p - The property to be added.
o - The value of the property to be added.
This resource to allow cascading calls.


boolean hasProperty(Property p)
Determine whether this resource has any values for a given property.

p - The property sought.
true if and only if this resource has at least one value for the property.


boolean hasLiteral(Property p,
                   boolean o)
Answer true iff this resource has the value o for property p. o is interpreted as a typed literal with the appropriate RDF type.


boolean hasLiteral(Property p,
                   long o)
Answer true iff this resource has the value o for property p. o is interpreted as a typed literal with the appropriate RDF type.


boolean hasLiteral(Property p,
                   char o)
Answer true iff this resource has the value o for property p. o is interpreted as a typed literal with the appropriate RDF type.


boolean hasLiteral(Property p,
                   double o)
Answer true iff this resource has the value o for property p. o is interpreted as a typed literal with the appropriate RDF type.


boolean hasLiteral(Property p,
                   float o)
Answer true iff this resource has the value o for property p. o is interpreted as a typed literal with the appropriate RDF type.


boolean hasLiteral(Property p,
                   Object o)
Answer true iff this resource has the value o for property p. o is interpreted as a typed literal with the appropriate RDF type.


boolean hasProperty(Property p,
                    String o)
Test if this resource has a given property with a given value.

p - The property sought.
o - The value of the property sought.
true if and only if this resource has property p with value o.


boolean hasProperty(Property p,
                    String o,
                    String l)
Test if this resource has a given property with a given value.

p - The property sought.
o - The value of the property sought.
l - The language of the property sought.
true if and only if this resource has property p with value o.


boolean hasProperty(Property p,
                    RDFNode o)
Test if this resource has a given property with a given value.

p - The property sought.
o - The value of the property sought.
true if and only if this resource has property p with value o.


Resource removeProperties()
Delete all the properties for this resource from the associated model.

This resource to permit cascading.


Resource removeAll(Property p)
Delete all the statements with predicate p for this resource from its associated model.

p - the property to remove
this resource, to permit cascading


Resource begin()
Begin a transaction in the associated model.

This resource to permit cascading.


Resource abort()
Abort the transaction in the associated model.

This resource to permit cascading.


Resource commit()
Commit the transaction in the associated model.

This resource to permit cascading.


Resource getPropertyResourceValue(Property p)
Answer some resource R for which this.hasProperty( p, R ), or null if no such R exists.

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