Interface BulkUpdateHandler

public interface BulkUpdateHandler

Defines how bulk update may be done on Graphs.

Bulk updates are not necessarily transactions; that is, a bulk update may fail part-way through, leaving some but not all triples added or deleted. However, if a bulk update does not fail (ie throw an exception) then the addition or removal of triples must have been successfully completed in accordance with the operation of the owning graph.

Method Summary
 void add(Graph g)
          Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.
 void add(Graph g, boolean withReifications)
          Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.
 void add(Iterator<Triple> it)
          Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.
 void add(List<Triple> triples)
          Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.
 void add(Triple[] triples)
          Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.
 void delete(Graph g)
          Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.
 void delete(Graph g, boolean withReifications)
          Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.
 void delete(Iterator<Triple> it)
          Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.
 void delete(List<Triple> triples)
          Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.
 void delete(Triple[] triples)
          Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.
 void remove(Node s, Node p, Node o)
          Deprecated. Use Graph.remove( Node s, Node p, Node o )
 void removeAll()
          Deprecated. Use Graph.clear()

Method Detail


void add(Triple[] triples)
Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.

Add all the triples into the graph this is handler for.

triples - an array of triples to add


void add(List<Triple> triples)
Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.

Add all the triples in the list into the graph this is handler for. Each element of the List must be a Triple.

triples - a list of Triple objects to add


void add(Iterator<Triple> it)
Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.

Add all the elements from the iterator into the graph this is handler for. Each element of the iterator must be a Triple. WARNING. An implementation may have to expand the iterator into a data structure containing all the component elements; hence long iterators may be expensive on store.

it - an Iterator delivering Triples


void add(Graph g,
                    boolean withReifications)
Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.

Add all the triples of the given graph into the graph this is handler for. Optionally add g's reified triples.

g - a Graph whose triples are to be added
withReifications - if true, the reified triples of g are added as well


void add(Graph g)
Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.

Add all the triples of the given graph into the graph this is handler for. Leave this graph's reifications unchanged.

g - a Graph whose triples are to be added


void delete(Triple[] triples)
Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.

Delete all the triples from the graph this is handler for.

triples - an array of triples to delete


void delete(List<Triple> triples)
Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.

Delete all the triples in the list from the graph this is handler for. Each element of the List must be a Triple.

triples - a list of triples to delete


void delete(Iterator<Triple> it)
Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.

Delete all the triples in the iterator from the graph this is handler for. Each element from the iterator must be a Triple. WARNING. An implementation may have to expand the iterator into a data structure containing all the component elements; hence long iterators may be expensive on store.

it - an iterator over Triple


void delete(Graph g)
Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.

Delete all the triples of the given graph from the graph this is handler for. Do not change the reifications.

g - a graph whose triples are to be deleted


void delete(Graph g,
                       boolean withReifications)
Deprecated. See GraphUtil for helper functions for migration.

Delete all the triples of the given graph from the graph this is handler for. Reified triples may optionally be deleted.

g - a graph whose triples are to be deleted
withReifications - if true, delete g's reifications from this graph


void removeAll()
Deprecated. Use Graph.clear()

Remove all the statements from a graph.


void remove(Node s,
                       Node p,
                       Node o)
Deprecated. Use Graph.remove( Node s, Node p, Node o )

Remove all triples that would be delivered by find(s, p, o)

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