Interface Capabilities

All Known Implementing Classes:
com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.impl.AllCapabilities, BaseInfGraph.InfCapabilities, BaseInfGraph.InfFindSafeCapabilities

public interface Capabilities

Interface for expressing capabilities.

Method Summary
 boolean addAllowed()
          Answer true if Graph::add() can be used to add at least some triples to the graph.
 boolean addAllowed(boolean everyTriple)
          Answer true if Graph::add() can be used to add at least some triples to the graph.
 boolean canBeEmpty()
          Answer true iff the graph can be completely empty.
 boolean deleteAllowed()
          Answer true iff Graph::delete() can be used to remove at least some triples from the graph.
 boolean deleteAllowed(boolean everyTriple)
          Answer true if Graph::delete() can be used to remove at least some triples from the graph.
 boolean findContractSafe()
          Answer true if the find() contract on the associated graph is "safe", ie, can be used safely by the pretty-printer (we'll tighten up that definition).
 boolean handlesLiteralTyping()
          Answer true iff this graph compares literals for equality by value rather than by lexical form (the memory-based graphs do; TDB model do mostly (because of canonicalization), SDB models don't).
 boolean iteratorRemoveAllowed()
          Answer true iff the iterators returned from find support the .remove() operation.
 boolean sizeAccurate()
          Answer true iff Graph::size() is accurate.

Method Detail


boolean sizeAccurate()
Answer true iff Graph::size() is accurate.


boolean addAllowed()
Answer true if Graph::add() can be used to add at least some triples to the graph.


boolean addAllowed(boolean everyTriple)
Answer true if Graph::add() can be used to add at least some triples to the graph. If everyTriple is true, answer true iff *any* triple can be added (ie the graph places no special restrictions on triples).


boolean deleteAllowed()
Answer true iff Graph::delete() can be used to remove at least some triples from the graph.


boolean deleteAllowed(boolean everyTriple)
Answer true if Graph::delete() can be used to remove at least some triples from the graph. If everyTriple is true, any such triple may be removed.


boolean iteratorRemoveAllowed()
Answer true iff the iterators returned from find support the .remove() operation.


boolean canBeEmpty()
Answer true iff the graph can be completely empty.


boolean findContractSafe()
Answer true if the find() contract on the associated graph is "safe", ie, can be used safely by the pretty-printer (we'll tighten up that definition).


boolean handlesLiteralTyping()
Answer true iff this graph compares literals for equality by value rather than by lexical form (the memory-based graphs do; TDB model do mostly (because of canonicalization), SDB models don't).

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