Class ARPHandlers

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.arp.ARPHandlers

public class ARPHandlers
extends Object

The interface to set the various handlers on ARP. User defined implementations of this interface are not supported. This is a class rather than an interface to have better backward compatibilitiy with earlier versions, however constructing instances of this class is deprecated.

Method Summary
static ARPHandlers createNewHandlers()
          Internal use only
 ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
          Gets the current error handler.
 ExtendedHandler getExtendedHandler()
          Gets the current extended handler.
 NamespaceHandler getNamespaceHandler()
          Gets the current namespace handler.
 StatementHandler getStatementHandler()
          Gets the current statement handler.
 ErrorHandler setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler eh)
          Sets the error handler, for both XML and RDF parse errors.
 ExtendedHandler setExtendedHandler(ExtendedHandler sh)
          Sets the ExtendedHandler that provides the callback mechanism for bnodes as they leave scope, and for the start and end of rdf:RDF elements.
 NamespaceHandler setNamespaceHandler(NamespaceHandler sh)
          Sets the NamespaceHandler that provides the callback mechanism for XML namespace declarations.
 StatementHandler setStatementHandler(StatementHandler sh)
          Sets the StatementHandler that provides the callback mechanism for each triple in the file.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static ARPHandlers createNewHandlers()
Internal use only


public ExtendedHandler setExtendedHandler(ExtendedHandler sh)
Sets the ExtendedHandler that provides the callback mechanism for bnodes as they leave scope, and for the start and end of rdf:RDF elements.

See note about large files in ARP class documentation.

sh - The handler to use.
The old handler.


public NamespaceHandler setNamespaceHandler(NamespaceHandler sh)
Sets the NamespaceHandler that provides the callback mechanism for XML namespace declarations.

sh - The handler to use.
The old handler.


public StatementHandler setStatementHandler(StatementHandler sh)
Sets the StatementHandler that provides the callback mechanism for each triple in the file.

sh - The statement handler to use.
The old statement handler.


public ErrorHandler setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler eh)
Sets the error handler, for both XML and RDF parse errors. XML errors are reported by Xerces, as instances of SAXParseException; the RDF errors are reported from ARP as instances of ParseException. Code that needs to distingusih between them may look like:
    void error( SAXParseException e ) throws SAXException {
      if ( e instanceof com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.arp.ParseException ) {
      } else {

See the ARP documentation for ErrorHandler for details of the ErrorHandler semantics (in particular how to upgrade a warning to an error, and an error to a.errorError).

The Xerces/SAX documentation for ErrorHandler is available on the web.

eh - The error handler to use.
The previous error handler.


public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
Gets the current error handler.


public NamespaceHandler getNamespaceHandler()
Gets the current namespace handler.


public ExtendedHandler getExtendedHandler()
Gets the current extended handler.


public StatementHandler getStatementHandler()
Gets the current statement handler.

Licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0