Class ARP

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.arp.ARP
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ARP
extends Object
implements ARPConfig

Another RDF Parser. To load an RDF file:

  1. Create an ARP.
  2. Set its handlers, by calling the getHandlers() method, and then.
  3. Call a load method.

Xerces is used for parsing the XML. The SAXEvents generated by Xerces are then analysed as RDF by ARP. Errors may occur in either the XML or the RDF part, see ARPHandlers.setErrorHandler(org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler) for details of how to distinguish between them.

For very large files, ARP does not use any additional memory except when either the ExtendedHandler.discardNodesWithNodeID() returns false or when the AResource.setUserData(java.lang.Object) method has been used. In these cases ARP needs to remember the rdf:nodeID usage through the file life time.

See ARP documentation for more information.

Includes contributions from Simon Raboczi and Andrew Newman

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new RDF Parser.
Method Summary
 ARPHandlers getHandlers()
          The handlers used during parsing.
 Locator getLocator()
          When parsing a file, this returns a Locator giving the position of the last XML event processed by ARP.
 ARPOptions getOptions()
          The options used during parsing.
 void load(InputStream in)
          Load RDF/XML from an InputStream, leaving relative URIs as relative.
 void load(InputStream in, String xmlBase)
          Load RDF/XML from an InputStream.
 void load(Reader in)
          Load RDF/XML from a Reader, leaving relative URIs as relative.
 void load(Reader in, String xmlBase)
          Load RDF/XML from a Reader.
 void setHandlersWith(ARPHandlers handlers)
          Copies the handlers from the argument to be used by this instance.
 void setOptionsWith(ARPOptions opts)
          Copies the options from the argument to be used by this instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ARP()
Creates a new RDF Parser. Can parse one file at a time.

Method Detail


public Locator getLocator()
When parsing a file, this returns a Locator giving the position of the last XML event processed by ARP. This may return null or misleading results before any tokens have been processed.



public void load(Reader in,
                 String xmlBase)
          throws SAXException,
Load RDF/XML from a Reader.

in - The input XML document.
xmlBase - The base URI for the document.
SAXException - More serious error during XML or RDF processing; or thrown from the ErrorHandler.
IOException - Occurring during XML processing.


public void load(InputStream in,
                 String xmlBase)
          throws SAXException,
Load RDF/XML from an InputStream.

in - The input XML document.
xmlBase - The base URI for the document.
SAXException - More serious error during XML or RDF processing; or thrown from the ErrorHandler.
IOException - Occurring during XML processing.


public void load(InputStream in)
          throws SAXException,
Load RDF/XML from an InputStream, leaving relative URIs as relative.

in - The input XML document.
SAXException - More serious error during XML or RDF processing; or thrown from the ErrorHandler.
IOException - Occurring during XML processing.


public void load(Reader in)
          throws SAXException,
Load RDF/XML from a Reader, leaving relative URIs as relative.

in - The input XML document.
SAXException - More serious error during XML or RDF processing; or thrown from the ErrorHandler.
IOException - Occurring during XML processing.


public ARPHandlers getHandlers()
The handlers used during parsing. The handlers can be changed by calling this method and then using the set..Handler methods in ARPHandlers. The handlers can be copied onto another ARP instance using the setHandlersWith(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.arp.ARPHandlers) method.

Specified by:
getHandlers in interface ARPConfig
The handlers used during parsing.
See Also:
ARPHandlers.setStatementHandler(StatementHandler), ARPHandlers.setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler), ARPHandlers.setExtendedHandler(ExtendedHandler), ARPHandlers.setNamespaceHandler(NamespaceHandler), setHandlersWith(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.arp.ARPHandlers)


public void setHandlersWith(ARPHandlers handlers)
Copies the handlers from the argument to be used by this instance. To make further modifications it is necessary to call getHandlers() to retrieve this instance's copy of the handler information.

Specified by:
setHandlersWith in interface ARPConfig
handlers - The new values to use.


public ARPOptions getOptions()
The options used during parsing. The options can be changed by calling this method and then using the set.. methods in ARPOptions. The options can be copied onto another ARP instance using the setOptionsWith(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.arp.ARPOptions) method.

Specified by:
getOptions in interface ARPConfig
The handlers used during parsing.
See Also:
ARPOptions.setDefaultErrorMode(), ARPOptions.setLaxErrorMode(), ARPOptions.setStrictErrorMode(), ARPOptions.setStrictErrorMode(int), ARPOptions.setEmbedding(boolean), ARPOptions.setErrorMode(int, int), setOptionsWith(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.arp.ARPOptions)


public void setOptionsWith(ARPOptions opts)
Copies the options from the argument to be used by this instance. To make further modifications it is necessary to call getOptions() to retrieve this instance's copy of the options.

Specified by:
setOptionsWith in interface ARPConfig
opts - The new values to use.

Licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0