Interface AResource

public interface AResource

A URI or blank node reported to a StatementHandler. Note: equality (.equals) rather than identity (==) must be used to compare AResources.

Method Summary
 String getAnonymousID()
          A string distinguishing this anonymous resource, from other anonymous resources.
 String getURI()
          The URI reference for this resource, if any.
 Object getUserData()
          The user data allows the RDF application to store one Object with each blank node during parsing.
 boolean hasNodeID()
          True, if this is an anonymous resource with an explicit rdf:nodeID.
 boolean isAnonymous()
          True if this resource does not have an associated URI.
 void setUserData(Object d)
          The user data allows the RDF application to store one Object with each blank node during parsing.

Method Detail


String getAnonymousID()
A string distinguishing this anonymous resource, from other anonymous resources. Undefined if isAnonymous() returns false.

An identifier with file scope for this anonymous resource..


String getURI()
The URI reference for this resource, if any. Not defined if isAnonymous() returns true.

The URI reference of this resource.


Object getUserData()
The user data allows the RDF application to store one Object with each blank node during parsing. This may help with garbage collect strategies when parsing huge files. No references to the user data are maintained after a blank node goes out of scope.

A user data object previously stored with setUserData(java.lang.Object); or null if none.


boolean hasNodeID()
True, if this is an anonymous resource with an explicit rdf:nodeID.

true if this resource has a nodeID


boolean isAnonymous()
True if this resource does not have an associated URI.

True if this resource is anonymous.


void setUserData(Object d)
The user data allows the RDF application to store one Object with each blank node during parsing. This may help with garbage collect strategies when parsing huge files. No references to the user data are maintained after a blank node goes out of scope.

See note about large files in class documentation for ARP.

d - A user data object which may be retrieved later with getUserData().

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