Interface ReasonerFactory

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
GenericRuleReasonerFactory, OWLFBRuleReasonerFactory, OWLMicroReasonerFactory, OWLMiniReasonerFactory, RDFSFBRuleReasonerFactory, RDFSRuleReasonerFactory, TransitiveReasonerFactory

public interface ReasonerFactory

The interface through which a reasoner (inference engine) can be instantiated. Instances of this are registered with the global ReasonerRegistry.

Method Summary
 Reasoner create(Resource configuration)
          Constructor method that builds an instance of the associated Reasoner
 Model getCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.
 String getURI()
          Return the URI labelling this type of reasoner

Method Detail


Reasoner create(Resource configuration)
Constructor method that builds an instance of the associated Reasoner

configuration - a set of arbitrary configuration information to be passed the reasoner, encoded as RDF properties of a base configuration resource, can be null in no custom configuration is required.


Model getCapabilities()
Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF. These capabilities may be static or may depend on configuration information supplied at construction time. May be null if there are no useful capabilities registered.


String getURI()
Return the URI labelling this type of reasoner

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