Class StandardValidityReport

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.StandardValidityReport
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StandardValidityReport
extends Object
implements ValidityReport

Default implementation of ValidityReport which simply stores a list of precomputed Report records.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.ValidityReport
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void add(boolean error, String type, String description)
          Add a new error report
 void add(boolean error, String type, String description, Object extension)
          Add a new error report
 void add(ValidityReport.Report report)
          Add a new error report
 Iterator<ValidityReport.Report> getReports()
          Return an iterator over the separate ValidityReport.Report records.
 boolean isClean()
          Returns true if the model is both valid (logically consistent) and no warnings were generated.
 boolean isValid()
          Returns true if no logical inconsistencies were detected (in which case there will be at least one error Report included).
 int size()
          Return a count of the number of warning or error reports generated by the validation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StandardValidityReport()
Method Detail


public void add(boolean error,
                String type,
                String description)
Add a new error report

error - true if the report is an error, false if it is just a warning
type - a string giving a reasoner-dependent classification for the report
description - a textual description of the problem


public void add(boolean error,
                String type,
                String description,
                Object extension)
Add a new error report

error - true if the report is an error, false if it is just a warning
type - a string giving a reasoner-dependent classification for the report
description - a textual description of the problem
extension - Optional argument with extension data about the reported error


public void add(ValidityReport.Report report)
Add a new error report

report - a ValidityReport.Report to add, can be null


public boolean isValid()
Returns true if no logical inconsistencies were detected (in which case there will be at least one error Report included). Warnings may still be present. As of Jena 2.2 we regard classes which can't be instantiated as warnings rather than errors.

Specified by:
isValid in interface ValidityReport


public boolean isClean()
Returns true if the model is both valid (logically consistent) and no warnings were generated.

Specified by:
isClean in interface ValidityReport


public int size()
Return a count of the number of warning or error reports generated by the validation.


public Iterator<ValidityReport.Report> getReports()
Return an iterator over the separate ValidityReport.Report records.

Specified by:
getReports in interface ValidityReport

Licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0