Interface ValidityReport

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ValidityReport

Data structure used to report the results of validation or consistency checking operations. It is an array of reports, each of which has a severity, a type (string) and a description (string).

Nested Class Summary
static class ValidityReport.Report
Method Summary
 Iterator<ValidityReport.Report> getReports()
          Return an iterator over the separate ValidityReport.Report records.
 boolean isClean()
          Returns true if the model is both valid (logically consistent) and no warnings were generated.
 boolean isValid()
          Returns true if no logical inconsistencies were detected.

Method Detail


boolean isValid()
Returns true if no logical inconsistencies were detected. If it is false then ether will be at least one error Report included. If it is true then warnings may still be present. As of Jena 2.2 we regard classes which can't be instantiated as warnings (of type 'Inconsistent class') rather than errors.


boolean isClean()
Returns true if the model is both valid (logically consistent) and no warnings were generated.


Iterator<ValidityReport.Report> getReports()
Return an iterator over the separate ValidityReport.Report records.

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