Class Util

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.Util

public class Util
extends Object

A small random collection of utility functions used by the rule systems.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static Boolean checkBinaryPredicate(Property predicate, Resource configuration)
          Helper method - extracts the truth of a boolean configuration predicate.
static boolean comparable(Node n1, Node n2)
          Test if two literals are comparable by an order operator (both numbers or both times)
static int compareInstants(Node n1, Node n2)
          Compare two time Instant nodes.
static int compareNumbers(Node n1, Node n2)
          Compare two numeric nodes.
static int compareTypedLiterals(Node n1, Node n2)
          General order comparator for typed literal nodes, works for all numbers and for date times.
static boolean convertBooleanPredicateArg(Property parameter, Object value)
          Convert the value of a boolean configuration parameter to a boolean value.
static int convertIntegerPredicateArg(Property parameter, Object value)
          Convert the value of an integer configuration parameter to an int value.
static List<Node> convertList(Node root, RuleContext context)
          Convert an (assumed well formed) RDF list to a java list of Nodes
static Integer getIntegerPredicate(Property predicate, Resource configuration)
          Helper method - extracts the value of an integer configuration predicate.
static int getIntValue(Node n)
          Return the integer value of a literal node
static Node getPropValue(Node root, Node prop, Finder context)
          Helper - returns the (singleton) value for the given property on the given root node in the data graph.
static Node getPropValue(Node root, Node prop, Graph context)
          Helper - returns the (singleton) value for the given property on the given root node in the data graph.
static Node getPropValue(Node root, Node prop, RuleContext context)
          Helper - returns the (singleton) value for the given property on the given root node in the data graph.
static boolean isInstant(Node n)
          Check whether a Node is an Instant (DateTime) value
static boolean isNumeric(Node n)
          Check whether a Node is a numeric (integer) value
static Rule.Parser loadRuleParserFromResourceFile(String filename)
          Open a resource file and read it all into a single string.
static String loadURLFile(String urlStr)
          Open a file defined by a URL and read all of it into a single string.
static Node makeDoubleNode(double value)
          Construct a new double valued node
static Node makeIntNode(int value)
          Construct a new integer valued node
static Node makeList(Node[] nodes, Graph graph)
          Construct an RDF list from the given array of nodes and assert it in the graph returning the head of the list.
static Node makeLongNode(long value)
          Construct a new long valued node
static void updateParameter(Resource config, Property parameter, Object value)
          Replace the value for a given parameter on the resource by a new value.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Util()
Method Detail


public static boolean isNumeric(Node n)
Check whether a Node is a numeric (integer) value


public static int getIntValue(Node n)
Return the integer value of a literal node


public static int compareNumbers(Node n1,
                                 Node n2)
Compare two numeric nodes.

n1 - the first numeric valued literal node
n2 - the second numeric valued literal node
-1 if n1 is less than n2, 0 if n1 equals n2 and +1 if n1 greater than n2
ClassCastException - if either node is not numeric


public static boolean isInstant(Node n)
Check whether a Node is an Instant (DateTime) value


public static int compareInstants(Node n1,
                                  Node n2)
Compare two time Instant nodes.

n1 - the first time instant (XSDDateTime) valued literal node
n2 - the second time instant (XSDDateTime) valued literal node
-1 if n1 is less than n2, 0 if n1 equals n2 and +1 if n1 greater than n2
ClassCastException - if either not is not numeric


public static int compareTypedLiterals(Node n1,
                                       Node n2)
General order comparator for typed literal nodes, works for all numbers and for date times.


public static boolean comparable(Node n1,
                                 Node n2)
Test if two literals are comparable by an order operator (both numbers or both times)


public static Node getPropValue(Node root,
                                Node prop,
                                Finder context)
Helper - returns the (singleton) value for the given property on the given root node in the data graph.


public static Node getPropValue(Node root,
                                Node prop,
                                Graph context)
Helper - returns the (singleton) value for the given property on the given root node in the data graph.


public static Node getPropValue(Node root,
                                Node prop,
                                RuleContext context)
Helper - returns the (singleton) value for the given property on the given root node in the data graph.


public static List<Node> convertList(Node root,
                                     RuleContext context)
Convert an (assumed well formed) RDF list to a java list of Nodes

root - the root node of the list
context - the graph containing the list assertions


public static Node makeIntNode(int value)
Construct a new integer valued node


public static Node makeLongNode(long value)
Construct a new long valued node


public static Node makeDoubleNode(double value)
Construct a new double valued node


public static Node makeList(Node[] nodes,
                            Graph graph)
Construct an RDF list from the given array of nodes and assert it in the graph returning the head of the list.


public static Rule.Parser loadRuleParserFromResourceFile(String filename)
Open a resource file and read it all into a single string. Treats lines starting with # as comment lines, as per stringFromReader


public static String loadURLFile(String urlStr)
                          throws IOException
Open a file defined by a URL and read all of it into a single string. If the URL fails it will try a plain file name as well.



public static Boolean checkBinaryPredicate(Property predicate,
                                           Resource configuration)
Helper method - extracts the truth of a boolean configuration predicate.

predicate - the predicate to be tested
configuration - the configuration node
null if there is no setting otherwise a Boolean giving the setting value


public static Integer getIntegerPredicate(Property predicate,
                                          Resource configuration)
Helper method - extracts the value of an integer configuration predicate.

predicate - the predicate to be tested
configuration - the configuration node
null if there is no such configuration parameter otherwise the value as an integer


public static boolean convertBooleanPredicateArg(Property parameter,
                                                 Object value)
Convert the value of a boolean configuration parameter to a boolean value. Allows the value to be specified using a String or Boolean.

parameter - the configuration property being set (to help with error messages)
value - the parameter value
the converted value
IllegalParameterException - if the value can't be converted


public static int convertIntegerPredicateArg(Property parameter,
                                             Object value)
Convert the value of an integer configuration parameter to an int value. Allows the value to be specified using a String or Number.

parameter - the configuration property being set (to help with error messages)
value - the parameter value
the converted value
IllegalParameterException - if the value can't be converted


public static void updateParameter(Resource config,
                                   Property parameter,
                                   Object value)
Replace the value for a given parameter on the resource by a new value.

config - the resource whose values are to be updated
parameter - a predicate defining the parameter to be set
value - the new value

Licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0