Class OWLTest

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.OWLTest

public class OWLTest
extends Object

The vocabulary used by the WebOnt working group to define test manifests.

Vocabulary definitions from file:data/testOntology.rdf

Field Summary
static Resource ConsistencyTest
          A consistent OWL document.
static Resource DL
          One of the conformance levels in the OWL test suite.
static Property feature
          This property relates a test to a language feature.
static Resource Full
          One of the conformance levels in the OWL test suite.
static Property importedPremiseDocument
          Despite the property URI, the document indicated by this property may or may not be imported into the test.
static Resource ImportEntailmentTest
          The premise document, and its imports closure, entails the conclusion document.
static Resource ImportLevelTest
          These tests use two documents.
static Resource InconsistencyTest
          An inconsistent OWL document.
static Resource Issue
          A member of this class is an issue in some issue list.
static Property issueNumber
          A string valued property that gives a numeral (or some other quasi-numeric string) associated with an issue.
static Resource Large
static Property level
          Indicates the conformance level of a document or test in the OWL test suite.
static Resource Lite
          One of the conformance levels in the OWL test suite.
static Resource NAMESPACE
          The namespace of the vocabalary as a resource
static Resource NegativeEntailmentTest
          This is a negative entailment test according to the OWL entailment rules.
static Resource NotOwlFeatureTest
          This is a negative test.
static String NS
          The namespace of the vocabalary as a string ("")
static Resource OWLforOWLTest
          Illustrative of the use of OWL to describe OWL Full.
static Resource PositiveEntailmentTest
          This is a positive entailment test according to the OWL entailment rules.
static Property size
static Property supportedDatatype
          The subject test is valid only when the object datatype is included in the datatype theory.
static Resource Test
static Resource TrueTest
          The conclusions follow from the empty premises.
static Property usedDatatype
          The object is a datatype that appears in one of the test files in the subject test.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static String getURI()
          The namespace of the vocabalary as a string
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String NS

The namespace of the vocabalary as a string ("")

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final Resource NAMESPACE

The namespace of the vocabalary as a resource


public static final Property feature

This property relates a test to a language feature. The language feature is usually indicated by a class or property.


public static final Property usedDatatype

The object is a datatype that appears in one of the test files in the subject test.


public static final Property supportedDatatype

The subject test is valid only when the object datatype is included in the datatype theory.


public static final Property importedPremiseDocument

Despite the property URI, the document indicated by this property may or may not be imported into the test.


public static final Property level

Indicates the conformance level of a document or test in the OWL test suite.


public static final Resource Lite

One of the conformance levels in the OWL test suite.


public static final Resource DL

One of the conformance levels in the OWL test suite.


public static final Resource Full

One of the conformance levels in the OWL test suite.


public static final Property issueNumber

A string valued property that gives a numeral (or some other quasi-numeric string) associated with an issue.


public static final Property size


public static final Resource Large


public static final Resource Test


public static final Resource PositiveEntailmentTest

This is a positive entailment test according to the OWL entailment rules.


public static final Resource NegativeEntailmentTest

This is a negative entailment test according to the OWL entailment rules.


public static final Resource TrueTest

The conclusions follow from the empty premises.


public static final Resource OWLforOWLTest

Illustrative of the use of OWL to describe OWL Full.


public static final Resource ImportLevelTest

These tests use two documents. One is named importsNNN.rdf, the other is named mainNNN.rdf. These tests indicate the interaction between owl:imports and the sublanguage levels of the main document.


public static final Resource NotOwlFeatureTest

This is a negative test. The input document contains some use of the OWL namespace which is not a feature of OWL. These typically show DAML+OIL features that are not being carried forward into OWL.


public static final Resource ImportEntailmentTest

The premise document, and its imports closure, entails the conclusion document.


public static final Resource InconsistencyTest

An inconsistent OWL document. (One that entails falsehood).


public static final Resource ConsistencyTest

A consistent OWL document. (One that does not entail falsehood).


public static final Resource Issue

A member of this class is an issue in some issue list.

Constructor Detail


public OWLTest()
Method Detail


public static String getURI()

The namespace of the vocabalary as a string

See Also:

Licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0