package.See: Description
Class | Description |
AbstractProfile |
Abstract base class to provide shared implementation for ontology language profiles.
AllDifferentImpl |
Implementation of the abstraction of axioms that denote the single name assumption.
AllValuesFromRestrictionImpl |
Implementation of the allValuesFrom restriction abstraction.
AnnotationPropertyImpl |
Implementation for ontology abstraction of annotation property
BooleanClassDescriptionImpl |
Shared implementation for implementations of Boolean clas expressions.
CardinalityQRestrictionImpl |
Implementation of the exact qualified cardinality restriction
CardinalityRestrictionImpl |
Implementation of the cardinality restriction abstraction.
ComplementClassImpl |
Implementation of a node representing a complement class description.
DataRangeImpl |
Default implementation of the interface that defines a closed enumeration
of concrete values for the range of a property.
DatatypePropertyImpl |
Implementation of the datatype property abstraction
EnumeratedClassImpl |
Implementation of a node representing an enumerated class description.
FunctionalPropertyImpl |
Implementation of the functional property abstraction
HasValueRestrictionImpl |
Implementation of the hasValue restriction abstraction.
IndividualImpl |
Implementation for the ontology abstraction representing ontology class descriptions.
IntersectionClassImpl |
Implementation of a node representing an intersection class description.
InverseFunctionalPropertyImpl |
Implementation of the functional property abstraction
MaxCardinalityQRestrictionImpl |
Implementation of the max qualified cardinality restriction
MaxCardinalityRestrictionImpl |
Implementation of the max cardinality restriction abstraction.
MinCardinalityQRestrictionImpl |
Implementation of the min qualified cardinality restriction
MinCardinalityRestrictionImpl |
Implementation of the min cardinality restriction abstraction.
ObjectPropertyImpl |
Implementation of the object property abstraction
OntClassImpl |
Implementation of the ontology abstraction representing ontology classes.
OntModelImpl |
Implementation of a model that can process general ontologies in OWL
and similar languages.
OntologyImpl |
Implementation of the Ontology interface, encapsulating nodes that hold the
meta-data about whole ontologies.
OntPropertyImpl |
Implementation of the abstraction representing a general ontology property.
OntResourceImpl |
Abstract base class to provide shared implementation for implementations of ontology
OWLDLProfile |
Ontology language profile implementation for the DL variant of the OWL 2002/07 language.
OWLLiteProfile |
Ontology language profile implementation for the Lite variant of the OWL 2002/07 language.
OWLProfile |
Ontology language profile implementation for the Full variant of the OWL 2002/07 language.
QualifiedRestrictionImpl |
Implementation of qualied restrictions.
RDFSProfile |
Ontology language profile for working with RDFS ontologies.
RestrictionImpl |
Implementation of the ontology abstraction representing restrictions.
SomeValuesFromRestrictionImpl |
Implementation of the someValuesFrom restriction abstraction.
SymmetricPropertyImpl |
Implementation of the symmetric property abstraction
TransitivePropertyImpl |
Implementation of the transitive property abstraction
UnionClassImpl |
Implementation of a node representing a union class description.
Provides default implementations for the abstractions defined in the
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