Class OntModelSpec

  • public class OntModelSpec
    extends java.lang.Object

    Encapsulates a description of the components of an ontology model, including the storage scheme, reasoner and language profile.

    • Field Detail

      • OWL_MEM

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_MEM
        A specification for OWL models that are stored in memory and do no additional entailment reasoning

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_MEM_RDFS_INF
        A specification for OWL models that are stored in memory and use the RDFS inferencer for additional entailments

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_MEM_TRANS_INF
        A specification for OWL models that are stored in memory and use the transitive inferencer for additional entailments

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_MEM_RULE_INF
        A specification for OWL models that are stored in memory and use the OWL rules inference engine for additional entailments

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_MEM_MICRO_RULE_INF
        A specification for OWL models that are stored in memory and use the micro OWL rules inference engine for additional entailments

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_MEM_MINI_RULE_INF
        A specification for OWL models that are stored in memory and use the mini OWL rules inference engine for additional entailments
      • OWL_DL_MEM

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_DL_MEM
        A specification for OWL DL models that are stored in memory and do no additional entailment reasoning

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_DL_MEM_RDFS_INF
        A specification for OWL DL models that are stored in memory and use the RDFS inferencer for additional entailments

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_DL_MEM_TRANS_INF
        A specification for OWL DL models that are stored in memory and use the transitive inferencer for additional entailments

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_DL_MEM_RULE_INF
        A specification for OWL DL models that are stored in memory and use the OWL rules inference engine for additional entailments
      • OWL_LITE_MEM

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_LITE_MEM
        A specification for OWL Lite models that are stored in memory and do no entailment additional reasoning

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_LITE_MEM_TRANS_INF
        A specification for OWL Lite models that are stored in memory and use the transitive inferencer for additional entailments

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_LITE_MEM_RDFS_INF
        A specification for OWL Lite models that are stored in memory and use the RDFS inferencer for additional entailments

        public static final OntModelSpec OWL_LITE_MEM_RULES_INF
        A specification for OWL Lite models that are stored in memory and use the OWL rules inference engine for additional entailments
      • RDFS_MEM

        public static final OntModelSpec RDFS_MEM
        A specification for RDFS ontology models that are stored in memory and do no additional entailment reasoning

        public static final OntModelSpec RDFS_MEM_TRANS_INF
        A specification for RDFS ontology models that are stored in memory and use the transitive reasoner for entailments

        public static final OntModelSpec RDFS_MEM_RDFS_INF
        A specification for RDFS ontology models that are stored in memory and use the RDFS inferencer for additional entailments
    • Constructor Detail

      • OntModelSpec

        public OntModelSpec​(ModelMaker importsMaker,
                            OntDocumentManager docMgr,
                            ReasonerFactory rFactory,
                            java.lang.String languageURI)

        Construct a new ontology model specification with the given specification parameters

        importsMaker - The model maker, which will be used to construct stores for statements in the imported ontologies and the base ontology. Use null to get a default (memory) model maker.
        docMgr - The document manager, or null for the default document manager.
        rFactory - The factory for the reasoner to use to infer additional triples in the model, or null for no reasoner
        languageURI - The URI of the ontology language. Required.
      • OntModelSpec

        public OntModelSpec​(ModelMaker baseMaker,
                            ModelMaker importsMaker,
                            OntDocumentManager docMgr,
                            ReasonerFactory rFactory,
                            java.lang.String languageURI)
        Construct a new ontology model specification from the supplied components.
        baseMaker - the model-maker to use for the base model
        importsMaker - the model-maker to use for imported models
        docMgr - the document manager (null for the default manager)
        rFactory - the reasoner (null for no reasoner)
        languageURI - the ontology language URI (must not be null)
      • OntModelSpec

        public OntModelSpec​(java.lang.String baseModelName,
                            ModelMaker baseMaker,
                            ModelMaker importsMaker,
                            OntDocumentManager docMgr,
                            ReasonerFactory rFactory,
                            java.lang.String languageURI)
        Construct a new ontology model specification from the supplied components.
        baseModelName - the name of the model in the baseModelMaker
        baseMaker - the model-maker to use for the base model
        importsMaker - the model-maker to use for imported models
        docMgr - the document manager (null for the default manager)
        rFactory - the reasoner (null for no reasoner)
        languageURI - the ontology language URI (must not be null)
      • OntModelSpec

        public OntModelSpec​(OntModelSpec spec)

        Create one model spec as a copy of another. This is useful when what is required is similar to an existing spec, but with some changes. Note: this is only a shallow copy, so the structured objects (reasoners, document managers, etc) are not themselves copied. Thus, even after calling this copy constructor, making a change to the document manager in the copy specification will also affect the one that the copy was made from. The correct idiom is to replace the object before side-effecting it, e.g:

           OntModelSpec newSpec = new OntModelSpec( existingSpec );
           newSpec.setDocumentManager( new OntDocumentManager() );
           newSpec.getDocumentManager().setMetaDataSearchPath( "..." );
        spec -
    • Method Detail

      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object other)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • getImportModelMaker

        public ModelMaker getImportModelMaker()
        Answer the model maker used for creating imported models.
        The ModelMaker that is used to get or create a model used to hold imports to an OntModel.
      • getBaseModelMaker

        public ModelMaker getBaseModelMaker()
        Answer the model maker used for creating base models.
      • getImportModelGetter

        public ModelGetter getImportModelGetter()
      • setImportModelGetter

        public void setImportModelGetter​(ModelGetter mg)
      • assemble

        public static OntModelSpec assemble​(Resource root)
        Answer the OntModelSpec described using the Jena Assembler vocabulary properties of root. If the assembled resource is not an OntModelSpec, throw an exception reporting the constructed class.
      • assemble

        public static OntModelSpec assemble​(Model model)
        Answer the OntModelSpec described using the Jena Assembler vocabulary properties of the single resource in model of type JA:OntModelSpec.
      • getDefaultSpec

        public static OntModelSpec getDefaultSpec​(java.lang.String languageURI)

        Answer a default specification for the given language URI. This default will typically use a memory model and have minimal inferencing capabilities. Specifically, OWL and RDFS languages will have RDFS level inferencing capability (chosen to give a reasonable balance between power and efficiency of computation). To get other (more powerful or less powerful) reasoning capabilities, users should create ontology models by passing an explicit OntModelSpec parameter to the model factory.

        languageURI - The ontology language we want a default model spec for
        The default model spec for that language
        OntologyException - if the URI is not a recognised name of an ontology language
      • getDocumentManager

        public OntDocumentManager getDocumentManager()

        Answer the document manager for this model specification. Defaults to a standard instance of OntDocumentManager

        The document manager to be used by models matching this specification
      • setDocumentManager

        public void setDocumentManager​(OntDocumentManager docMgr)

        Set the document manager in this specification

        docMgr - The new document manager
      • setImportModelMaker

        public void setImportModelMaker​(ModelMaker maker)

        Set the model maker that will be used when the ontology model needs to create an additional container for an imported ontology

        maker - The new model maker to use
      • setBaseModelMaker

        public void setBaseModelMaker​(ModelMaker m)

        Set the model maker used for base models.

        m - The model maker that is used to create the base model if one is not supplied when a model is created.
      • getReasoner

        public Reasoner getReasoner()

        Answer the reasoner that will be used to infer additional entailed triples in the ontology model.

        The reasoner for this specification
      • setReasoner

        public void setReasoner​(Reasoner reasoner)

        Set the reasoner that will be used by ontology models that conform to this specification to compute entailments. Note: The reasoner is generated on demand by the reasoner factory. To prevent this spec from having a reasoner, set the reasoner factory to null, see setReasonerFactory(org.apache.jena.reasoner.ReasonerFactory).

        reasoner - The new reasoner
      • setReasonerFactory

        public void setReasonerFactory​(ReasonerFactory rFactory)

        Set the factory object that will be used to generate the reasoner object for this model specification. Note that the reasoner itself is cached, so setting the factory after a call to getReasoner() will have no effect.

        rFactory - The new reasoner factory, or null to prevent any reasoner being used
      • getReasonerFactory

        public ReasonerFactory getReasonerFactory()

        Answer the current reasoner factory

        The reasoner factory, or null.
      • getLanguage

        public java.lang.String getLanguage()

        Answer the URI of the ontology language to use when constructing models from this specification. Well known language URI's are available from the ProfileRegistry

        The ontology language URI
      • setLanguage

        public void setLanguage​(java.lang.String languageURI)

        Set the URI of the ontology to use for models that conform to this specification.

        languageURI - The new language URI
        OntologyException - if the URI does not map to a known language profile
      • getProfile

        public Profile getProfile()

        Answer the language profile for this ontology specification

        An ontology language profile object
      • doCreateModel

        public Model doCreateModel()

        Create an OntModel according to this model specification. The base model comes from the attached base ModelMaker.

        an OntModel satisfying this specification
      • implementCreateModelOver

        public Model implementCreateModelOver​(java.lang.String name)

        Create an OntModel according to this model specification. The base model comes from the underlying ModelMaker and is named by the given name.

      • createBaseModel

        public Model createBaseModel()
        Answer a base model constructed according to this specification. This is used for the "base" (i.e. non-imported) model for an OntModel.
      • getKnownPrefixes

        public java.lang.String[][] getKnownPrefixes()
        Returns the set of known (built-in) namespace prefixes for this OntModelSpec
        Known prefixes as an array of length-2 arrays