Class TransitiveEngine

  • public class TransitiveEngine
    extends java.lang.Object
    Uses two transitive graph caches to store a subclass and a subproperty lattice and use them within a larger inference graph.
    • Field Detail

      • directSubPropertyOf

        public static Node directSubPropertyOf
        The direct (minimal) version of the subPropertyOf property
      • directSubClassOf

        public static Node directSubClassOf
        The direct (minimal) version of the subClassOf property
      • subPropertyOf

        public static Node subPropertyOf
        The normal subPropertyOf property
      • subClassOf

        public static Node subClassOf
        The normal subClassOf property
    • Constructor Detail

      • TransitiveEngine

        public TransitiveEngine​(TransitiveGraphCache subClassCache,
                                TransitiveGraphCache subPropertyCache)
        subClassCache - pre-initialized subclass TGC
        subPropertyCache - pre-initialized subproperty TGC
      • TransitiveEngine

        public TransitiveEngine​(TransitiveEngine tengine)
        tengine - an instance of TransitiveEngine to be cloned
    • Method Detail

      • insert

        public Finder insert​(Finder baseData,
                             FGraph newData)
        Prepare the engine by inserting any new data not already included in the existing caches.
        baseData - the base dataset on which the initial caches were based, could be null
        newData - a dataset to be added to the engine, not known to be already included in the caches from construction time
        a concatenation of the inserted data and the original data
      • getSubClassCache

        public TransitiveGraphCache getSubClassCache()
        Return the cache of the subclass lattice.
      • getSubPropertyCache

        public TransitiveGraphCache getSubPropertyCache()
        Return the cache of the subclass lattice.
      • setCaching

        public void setCaching​(boolean cacheSP,
                               boolean cacheSC)
        Set the closure caching flags.
        cacheSP - true if caching of subPropertyOf closure is wanted
        cacheSC - true if caching of subClassOf closure is wanted
      • getFinder

        public Finder getFinder​(TriplePattern pattern,
                                Finder continuation)
        Return a Finder instance appropriate for the given query.
      • add

        public boolean add​(Triple t)
        Add one triple to caches if it is relevant.
        true if the triple affected the caches
      • delete

        public boolean delete​(Triple t)
        Removes the triple t (if relevant) from the caches.
        true if the triple affected the caches
      • checkOccurance

        public boolean checkOccurance​(Node prop,
                                      Graph graph)
        Test if there are any usages of prop within the given graph. This includes indirect usages incurred by subProperties of prop.
        prop - the property to be checked for
        graph - the graph to be check
        true if there is a triple using prop or one of its sub properties
      • cacheSubClassUtility

        public static boolean cacheSubClassUtility​(Finder graph,
                                                   TransitiveGraphCache spCache,
                                                   TransitiveGraphCache scCache)
        Caches all subClass declarations, including those that are defined via subProperties of subClassOf. Public to allow other reasoners to use it but not of interest to end users.
        graph - a graph whose declarations are to be cached
        spCache - the existing state of the subPropertyOf cache
        scCache - the existing state of the subClassOf cache, will be updated
        true if there were new metalevel declarations discovered.
      • cacheSubPropUtility

        public static boolean cacheSubPropUtility​(Finder graph,
                                                  TransitiveGraphCache spCache)
        Caches all subPropertyOf declarations, including any meta level ones (subPropertyOf subPropertyOf). Public to allow other reasoners to use it but not of interest to end users.
        graph - a graph whose declarations are to be cached
        spCache - the existing state of the subPropertyOf cache, will be updated
        true if there were new metalevel declarations discovered.