Class HelloMessage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    FullReadMessage<HelloMessage>, RemoteMessage

    public abstract class HelloMessage
    extends Object
    Describes a message that is used to announce this node to peers or to join a super node. The message's body is structured as follows:
    • Time: The sender's current time in milliseconds stored in 8 bytes.
    • ChildrenTime: Specifies how many seconds (8 bytes) the sender wants to join the receiving super peer. If the value is 0, the message is an announcement and not a join.
    • Signature: 64 byte signature. Only present if ChildrenTime is > 0.

    This is an immutable object.

    • Constructor Detail

      • HelloMessage

        public HelloMessage()
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static HelloMessage of​(HopCount hopCount,
                                      boolean isArmed,
                                      int networkId,
                                      Nonce nonce,
                                      DrasylAddress recipient,
                                      DrasylAddress sender,
                                      ProofOfWork proofOfWork,
                                      long time,
                                      long childrenTime,
                                      ImmutableByteArray signature)
        Creates new application message.
        hopCount - the hop count
        isArmed - if the message is armed or not
        networkId - the network id
        nonce - the nonce
        recipient - the public key of the recipient
        sender - the public key of the sender
        proofOfWork - the proof of work of sender
        time -
        childrenTime - the join time
        signature -
        NullPointerException - if nonce, sender, proofOfWork, recipient, or hopCount is null
      • of

        public static HelloMessage of​(HopCount hopCount,
                                      boolean isArmed,
                                      int networkId,
                                      Nonce nonce,
                                      DrasylAddress recipient,
                                      DrasylAddress sender,
                                      ProofOfWork proofOfWork,
                                      long time,
                                      long childrenTime,
                                      IdentitySecretKey secretKey)
        Creates new application message.
        hopCount - the hop count
        isArmed - if the message is armed or not
        networkId - the network id
        nonce - the nonce
        recipient - the public key of the recipient
        sender - the public key of the sender
        proofOfWork - the proof of work of sender
        time -
        childrenTime - the join time
        signature -
        NullPointerException - if nonce, sender, proofOfWork, recipient, or hopCount is null
      • of

        public static HelloMessage of​(int networkId,
                                      DrasylAddress recipient,
                                      IdentityPublicKey sender,
                                      ProofOfWork proofOfWork,
                                      long time,
                                      long childrenTime,
                                      IdentitySecretKey secretKey)
        Creates a new HelloMessage message.
        networkId - the network of the joining node
        recipient - the public key of the node to join
        sender - the public key of the joining node
        proofOfWork - the proof of work
        time - time in millis when this message was sent
        childrenTime - if 0 greater then 0, node will join a children.
        secretKey - the secret key used to sign this message
        NullPointerException - if sender, proofOfWork, or recipient is null
      • of

        public static HelloMessage of​(int networkId,
                                      DrasylAddress recipient,
                                      IdentityPublicKey sender,
                                      ProofOfWork proofOfWork,
                                      long childrenTime,
                                      IdentitySecretKey secretKey)
        Creates a new HelloMessage message.
        networkId - the network of the joining node
        recipient - the public key of the node to join
        sender - the public key of the joining node
        proofOfWork - the proof of work
        childrenTime - if 0 greater then 0, node will join a children.
        secretKey - the secret key used to sign this message
        NullPointerException - if sender, proofOfWork, or recipient is null
      • of

        public static HelloMessage of​(int networkId,
                                      DrasylAddress recipient,
                                      IdentityPublicKey sender,
                                      ProofOfWork proofOfWork)
        Creates a new HelloMessage message.
        networkId - the network of the joining node
        recipient - the public key of the node to join
        sender - the public key of the joining node
        proofOfWork - the proof of work
        NullPointerException - if sender, proofOfWork, or recipient is null
      • getRecipient

        public abstract DrasylAddress getRecipient()
        Returns the IdentityPublicKey of the message recipient. If the message has no recipient (e.g. because it is a multicast message) null is returned.
      • getTime

        public abstract long getTime()
        Returns the time this message has been sent.
      • getChildrenTime

        public abstract long getChildrenTime()
        If the value is greater than 0, it indicates that this node wants to join the receiver as a child. For this, the receiver must be configured as a super node. In all other cases, the message is used to announce this node's presence to the recipient.
      • incrementHopCount

        public HelloMessage incrementHopCount()
        Description copied from interface: FullReadMessage
        Returns this message with incremented hop count.
        this message with incremented hop count.
      • isSigned

        public boolean isSigned()
        Returns true if message is signed. This message will not verifiy the signature! Use verifySignature() to check if supplied signature is valid.
        true if message is signed
      • verifySignature

        public boolean verifySignature()
        Returns true if message is signed and the signature is valid. Use isSigned() to check whether a message is signed.
        true if message is signed and the signature is valid
      • writePrivateHeaderTo

        protected void writePrivateHeaderTo​(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf out)
      • writeBodyTo

        protected void writeBodyTo​(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf out)
      • writeTo

        public void writeTo​(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf out)
        Description copied from interface: RemoteMessage
        Writes this message to the buffer out.
        Specified by:
        writeTo in interface RemoteMessage
        out - writes this envelope to this buffer
      • writePublicHeaderTo

        protected void writePublicHeaderTo​(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf out)