Module org.dyn4j

Class Gjk

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    DistanceDetector, NarrowphaseDetector, RaycastDetector

    public class Gjk
    extends Object
    implements NarrowphaseDetector, DistanceDetector, RaycastDetector
    Implementation of the Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK) algorithm for collision detection.

    Gjk is an algorithm used to find minimum distance from one Convex Shape to another, but can also be used to determine whether or not they intersect.

    Gjk uses a specific mathematical construct called the MinkowskiSum. The MinkowskiSum of two Convex Shapes create another Convex Shape. If the shapes are labeled A and B, the MinkowskiSum is the convex hull of adding every point in A to every point in B.

    Now, if we subtract every point in A and every point in B, we still end up with a Convex Shape, but we also get another interesting property. If the two Convex Shapes are penetrating one another (overlapping) then the MinkowskiSum, using the difference operator, will contain the origin.

    Computing the MinkowskiSum directly would not be very efficient and performance would be directly linked to the number of vertices each shape contained (n*m subtractions). In addition, curved shapes have an infinite number of vertices.

    That said, it's not necessary to compute the MinkowskiSum. Instead, to determine whether the origin is contained in the MinkowskiSum we iteratively create a Shape inside the MinkowskiSum that encloses the origin. This is called the simplex and for 2D it will be a triangle. If we can enclose the origin using a shape contained within the MinkowskiSum, then we can conclude that the origin is contained within the MinkowskiSum, and that the two shapes are penetrating. If we cannot, then the shapes are separated.

    To create a shape inside the MinkowskiSum, we use what is called a support function. The support function returns a point on the edge of the MinkowskiSum farthest in a given direction. This can be obtained by taking the farthest point in shape A minus the farthest point in shape B in the opposite direction.

    If the MinkowskiSum is:

     A - B
    then the support function would be:
     (farthest point in direction D in A) - (farthest point in direction -D in B)
    With this we can obtain a point which is on the edge of the MinkowskiSum shape in any direction. Next we iteratively create these points so that we create a shape (triangle in the 2d case) that encloses the origin.

    Algorithm psuedo-code:

     // get a point farthest in the direction
     // choose some random direction (selection of the initial direction can
     // determine the speed at which the algorithm terminates)
     Point p = support(A, B, direction);
     // add it to the simplex
     // negate the direction
     direction = -direction;
     // make sure the point we are about to add is actually past the origin
     // if its not past the origin then that means we can never enclose the origin
     // therefore its not in the Minkowski sum and therefore there is no penetration.
     while (p = support(A, B, direction).dot(direction) > 0) {
            // if the point is past the origin then add it to the simplex
            // then check to see if the simplex contains the origin
            // passing back a new search direction if it does not
            if (check(simplex, direction)) {
                    return true;
     return false;
    The last method to discuss is the check method. This method can be implemented in any fashion, however, if the simplex points are stored in a way that we always know what point was added last, many optimizations can be done. For these optimizations please refer to the source documentation on checkSimplex(List, Vector2).

    Once Gjk has found that the two CollisionBodys are penetrating it will exit and hand off the resulting simplex to a MinkowskiPenetrationSolver to find the collision depth and normal.

    Gjk's default MinkowskiPenetrationSolver is Epa.

    The Gjk algorithm's original intent was to find the minimum distance between two Convex Shapes. Refer to distance(Convex, Transform, Convex, Transform, Separation) for details on the implementation.

    William Bittle
    See Also:
    Epa, GJK (Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi), GJK - Distance & Closest Points
    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS
        The default Gjk maximum iterations
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double DEFAULT_DETECT_EPSILON
        The default epsilon in meters for collision detection
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double DEFAULT_DISTANCE_EPSILON
        The default epsilon in meters for distance checks

        public static final double DEFAULT_RAYCAST_EPSILON
        The default epsilon in meters for raycast checks
    • Method Detail

      • raycast

        public boolean raycast​(Ray ray,
                               double maxLength,
                               Convex convex,
                               Transform transform,
                               Raycast raycast)
        Description copied from interface: RaycastDetector
        Performs a ray cast given a Ray and a Convex Shape returning true if the ray passes through the convex shape.

        The raycast parameter is used to stored the results of the raycast when returning true.

        Returns false if the start position of the ray lies inside the given convex.

        Specified by:
        raycast in interface RaycastDetector
        ray - the Ray
        maxLength - the maximum length of the ray; 0 for infinite length
        convex - the Convex Shape
        transform - the Convex Shape's Transform
        raycast - the ray cast result
        boolean true if the Ray passes through the Convex Shape
      • getMaxDetectIterations

        public int getMaxDetectIterations()
        Returns the maximum number of iterations the Gjk collision detection algorithm will perform before returning that two convex shapes are not overlapping.
        int the number of Gjk detect iterations
        See Also:
      • setMaxDetectIterations

        public void setMaxDetectIterations​(int maxIterations)
        Sets the maximum number of iterations the Gjk collision detection algorithm will perform when before return that two convex shapes are not overlapping.

        Valid values are in the range [5, ∞].

        maxIterations - the maximum number of Gjk detect iterations
        IllegalArgumentException - if maxIterations is less than 5
      • getMaxDistanceIterations

        public int getMaxDistanceIterations()
        Returns the maximum number of iterations the Gjk distance algorithm will perform before returning the distance between two separated convex shapes.
        int the number of Gjk distance iterations
        See Also:
      • setMaxDistanceIterations

        public void setMaxDistanceIterations​(int maxIterations)
        Sets the maximum number of iterations the Gjk distance algorithm will perform when determining the distance between two convex shapes.

        Valid values are in the range [5, ∞].

        maxIterations - the maximum number of Gjk distance iterations
        IllegalArgumentException - if maxIterations is less than 5
      • getMaxRaycastIterations

        public int getMaxRaycastIterations()
        Returns the maximum number of iterations the Gjk raycast algorithm will perform before returning that the ray and the convex are not overlapping.
        int the number of Gjk raycast iterations
        See Also:
      • setMaxRaycastIterations

        public void setMaxRaycastIterations​(int maxIterations)
        Sets the maximum number of iterations the Gjk raycast algorithm will perform when checking whether the ray intersects the convex.

        Valid values are in the range [5, ∞].

        maxIterations - the maximum number of Gjk raycast iterations
        IllegalArgumentException - if maxIterations is less than 5
      • getDetectEpsilon

        public double getDetectEpsilon()
        Returns the Gjk detect epsilon.
        double the Gjk detect epsilon
        See Also:
      • setDetectEpsilon

        public void setDetectEpsilon​(double detectEpsilon)
        The minimum distance to determine that two shapes are not colliding.

        Valid values are in the range [0, ∞].

        detectEpsilon - the Gjk detect epsilon
        IllegalArgumentException - if detectEpsilon is less than zero
      • getRaycastEpsilon

        public double getRaycastEpsilon()
        Returns the Gjk raycast epsilon.
        double the Gjk raycast epsilon
        See Also:
      • setRaycastEpsilon

        public void setRaycastEpsilon​(double raycastEpsilon)
        The minimum distance between the ray and convex for the Gjk raycast algorithm.

        Valid values are in the range (0, ∞].

        raycastEpsilon - the Gjk raycast epsilon
        IllegalArgumentException - if raycastEpsilon is less than or equal to zero
      • getDistanceEpsilon

        public double getDistanceEpsilon()
        Returns the Gjk distance epsilon.
        double the Gjk distance epsilon
        See Also:
      • setDistanceEpsilon

        public void setDistanceEpsilon​(double distanceEpsilon)
        The minimum distance between two iterations of the Gjk distance algorithm.

        Valid values are in the range (0, ∞].

        distanceEpsilon - the Gjk distance epsilon
        IllegalArgumentException - if distanceEpsilon is less than or equal to zero
      • getMaxIterations

        public int getMaxIterations()
        replaced with getMaxDistanceIterations() since 3.3.0
        Returns the maximum number of iterations the Gjk algorithm will perform when computing the distance between two separated bodies.
        int the number of Gjk distance iterations
        See Also:
      • setMaxIterations

        public void setMaxIterations​(int maxIterations)
        replaced with setMaxDistanceIterations(int) since 3.3.0
        Sets the maximum number of iterations the Gjk algorithm will perform when computing the distance between two separated bodies.

        Valid values are in the range [5, ∞].

        maxIterations - the maximum number of Gjk iterations
        IllegalArgumentException - if maxIterations is less than 5