Class TransportAction<Request extends ActionRequest,​Response extends ActionResponse>

    • Field Detail

      • actionName

        protected final java.lang.String actionName
    • Constructor Detail

      • TransportAction

        protected TransportAction​(java.lang.String actionName,
                                  ActionFilters actionFilters,
                                  TaskManager taskManager)
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public final Task execute​(Request request,
                                  ActionListener<Response> listener)
        Use this method when the transport action call should result in creation of a new task associated with the call. This is a typical behavior.
      • execute

        public final Task execute​(Request request,
                                  TaskListener<Response> listener)
        Execute the transport action on the local node, returning the Task used to track its execution and accepting a TaskListener which listens for the completion of the action.
      • execute

        public final void execute​(Task task,
                                  Request request,
                                  ActionListener<Response> listener)
        Use this method when the transport action should continue to run in the context of the current task