
package diffson

Type members


trait Diff[Json, P]
final class DiffOps[Json](val json: Json) extends AnyVal
object JsArray
object JsObject
trait Jsony[Json] extends Eq[Json] with Show[Json]

Type-class that describes what is needed for an object to be able to be diffed as a json like object.

Type-class that describes what is needed for an object to be able to be diffed as a json like object.

trait Patch[F[_], Json, P]
case class PatchException(msg: String) extends Exception
final class PatchOps[P](val patch: P) extends AnyVal
class PointerException(msg: String) extends Exception

Value members

Concrete methods

def diff[Json, P](json1: Json, json2: Json)(Diff: Diff[Json, P]): P