
Type members


case class Add[Json](path: Pointer, value: Json)(`evidence$2`: Jsony[Json]) extends Operation[Json]

Add (or replace if existing) the pointed element

Add (or replace if existing) the pointed element

case class Copy[Json](from: Pointer, path: Pointer)(`evidence$6`: Jsony[Json]) extends Operation[Json]

Copy the pointed element to the new position

Copy the pointed element to the new position

class JsonDiff[Json](diffArray: Boolean, rememberOld: Boolean)(J: Jsony[Json], Lcs: Lcs[Json]) extends Diff[Json, JsonPatch[Json]]
case class JsonPatch[Json](ops: List[Operation[Json]])(`evidence$8`: Jsony[Json])
object JsonPatch
case class Move[Json](from: Pointer, path: Pointer)(`evidence$5`: Jsony[Json]) extends Operation[Json]

Move the pointed element to the new position

Move the pointed element to the new position

sealed abstract class Operation[Json]

A patch operation to apply to a Json value

A patch operation to apply to a Json value

case class Remove[Json](path: Pointer, old: Option[Json])(`evidence$3`: Jsony[Json]) extends Operation[Json]

Remove the pointed element

Remove the pointed element

case class Replace[Json](path: Pointer, value: Json, old: Option[Json])(`evidence$4`: Jsony[Json]) extends Operation[Json]

Replace the pointed element by the given value

Replace the pointed element by the given value

case class Test[Json](path: Pointer, value: Json)(`evidence$7`: Jsony[Json]) extends Operation[Json]

Test that the pointed element is equal to the given value

Test that the pointed element is equal to the given value

object lcsdiff
object simplediff