
Type members


class GraphStyle[S, T](var id: String, var format: String, var srcSuffix: String, var executable: String, var keepDOT: Boolean, var fontSize: Int, var margin: Double, var nodeShape: (S, Graphable[S, T, _ <: (GraphStyle)]) => String, var nodeLabel: (S, Graphable[S, T, _ <: (GraphStyle)]) => String, var edgeLabel: (T, S, S, Graphable[S, T, _ <: (GraphStyle)]) => String)
object GraphStyle
trait Graphable[S, T, -Style <: (GraphStyle)]

Trait of objects which can be rendered with Graphviz.

Trait of objects which can be rendered with Graphviz.

The toDOT method is the only abstract method of the class. Implementations should return lines of text to be included within a digraph (or other Graphviz block).

The graphviz methods actually invoke a Graphviz executable according to (possibly implicit) options to render an object. These methods both have defaults provided in this trait.

trait Grapher[X, S, T, Style <: (GraphStyle)](using graphvizOptions: Style[S, T])

Trait of factories which render objects with Graphviz.

Trait of factories which render objects with Graphviz.

The toDOT method is the only abstract method of the class. Implementations should return lines of text to be included within a digraph (or other Graphviz block).

The graphviz methods actually invoke a Graphviz executable according to (possibly implicit) options to render an object. These methods both have defaults provided in this trait.