
class LaTeXdoc(var rootFile: String)

Accumulation of LaTeX source, to be processed when closed.

Value Params

Root name of the output file (without .tex, .pdf etc. suffixes)

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def ++=(s: String): Unit

Add LaTeX source to the body.

Add LaTeX source to the body.

def ++=*(s: String): Unit

Add text to the body, encoding it as LaTeX.

Add text to the body, encoding it as LaTeX.

def ++=*/(s: String): Unit

Add text to the body, encoding it as LaTeX, and following it with a carriage return in the source.

Add text to the body, encoding it as LaTeX, and following it with a carriage return in the source.

def ++=/(s: String): Unit

Add LaTeX source to the body, following it with a carriage return in the source.

Add LaTeX source to the body, following it with a carriage return in the source.

def +=(c: Char): Unit

Add character to the body.

Add character to the body.

Add a package.

Add a package.

def addPackage(p: String, opts: String): Unit

Add a package, with options.

Add a package, with options.

Add to the preamble.

Add to the preamble.

def close(): Unit

Finish receiving body text, and run LaTeX on the constructed document.

Finish receiving body text, and run LaTeX on the constructed document.

def graphable[X, Y, Style <: (GraphStyle)](what: Graphable[X, Y, Style], tag: String, width: String)(using options: Style[X, Y]): Unit

Render an object which can be depicted via Graphviz.

Render an object which can be depicted via Graphviz.

Returns true after the document is opened for writing the body, but before it is closed.

Returns true after the document is opened for writing the body, but before it is closed.

def open(): Unit

Conclude prelude operations, and open the document for writing contents.

Conclude prelude operations, and open the document for writing contents.

Set the document class of this document.

Set the document class of this document.

Set the document class options of this document.

Set the document class options of this document.

Concrete fields

Author(s) of the document

Author(s) of the document

Date of the document (or \today if empty)

Date of the document (or \today if empty)

var passes: Int

Number of passes needed to latex the document

Number of passes needed to latex the document

Title of the document

Title of the document