Class TrainingSession

    • Constructor Detail

      • TrainingSession

        public TrainingSession​(SameDiff sameDiff)
    • Method Detail

      • trainingIteration

        public Loss trainingIteration​(TrainingConfig config,
                                      Map<String,​INDArray> placeholders,
                                      Set<String> paramsToTrain,
                                      Map<String,​GradientUpdater> updaters,
                                      MultiDataSet batch,
                                      List<String> lossVariables,
                                      List<Listener> listeners,
                                      At at)
        Perform one iteration of training - i.e., do forward and backward passes, and update the parameters
        config - Training configuration
        placeholders - Current placeholders
        paramsToTrain - Set of parameters that will be trained
        updaters - Current updater state
        batch - Current data/batch (mainly for listeners, should have already been converted to placeholders map)
        lossVariables - Loss variables (names)
        listeners - Listeners (if any)
        at - Current epoch, iteration, etc
        The Loss at the current iteration