Interface Regularization

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  Regularization.ApplyStep
      ApplyStep determines how the regularization interacts with the optimization process - i.e., when it is applied relative to updaters like Adam, Nesterov momentum, SGD, etc.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void apply​(INDArray param, INDArray gradView, double lr, int iteration, int epoch)
      Apply the regularization by modifying the gradient array in-place
      Regularization.ApplyStep applyStep()  
      Regularization clone()  
      double score​(INDArray param, int iteration, int epoch)
      Calculate the loss function score component for the regularization.
      For example, in L2 regularization, this would return L = 0.5 * sum_i param[i]^2
      For regularization types that don't have a score component, this method can return 0.
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        void apply​(INDArray param,
                   INDArray gradView,
                   double lr,
                   int iteration,
                   int epoch)
        Apply the regularization by modifying the gradient array in-place
        param - Input array (usually parameters)
        gradView - Gradient view array (should be modified/updated). Same shape and type as the input array.
        lr - Current learning rate
        iteration - Current network training iteration
        epoch - Current network training epoch
      • score

        double score​(INDArray param,
                     int iteration,
                     int epoch)
        Calculate the loss function score component for the regularization.
        For example, in L2 regularization, this would return L = 0.5 * sum_i param[i]^2
        For regularization types that don't have a score component, this method can return 0. However, note that this may make the regularization type not gradient checkable.
        param - Input array (usually parameters)
        iteration - Current network training iteration
        epoch - Current network training epoch
        Loss function score component based on the input/parameters array
      • clone

        Regularization clone()
        An independent copy of the regularization instance