Package loci.common

Class Region

  • public class Region
    extends Object
    A class for representing a rectangular region. This class is very similar to Rectangle; it mainly exists to avoid problems with AWT, JNI and headless operation.
    • Field Detail

      • x

        public int x
      • y

        public int y
      • width

        public int width
      • height

        public int height
    • Constructor Detail

      • Region

        public Region()
      • Region

        public Region​(int x,
                      int y,
                      int w,
                      int h)
    • Method Detail

      • intersection

        public Region intersection​(Region r)
        Returns a Region representing the intersection of this Region with the given Region. If the two Regions do not intersect, the result is an empty Region.
        r - the region for which to calculate an intersection (or overlap)
        a Region representing the intersection (overlap) of the two Regions. If the two Regions have no common area, then the width and/or height of the returned Region will be 0. null is never returned.
      • containsPoint

        public boolean containsPoint​(int xc,
                                     int yc)
        Returns true if the point specified by the given X and Y coordinates is contained within this region.
        xc - the integer X coordinate of a point
        yc - the integer Y coordinate of a point
        true if this Region encloses the given point
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object