Class PreparedString

  extended by org.owasp.esapi.PreparedString

public class PreparedString
extends Object

A parameterized string that uses escaping to make untrusted data safe before combining it with a command or query intended for use in an interpreter.

 PreparedString div = new PreparedString( "<a href=\"http:\\\\\" onmouseover=\"alert('?')\">test</a>", new HTMLEntityCodec() );
 div.setURL( 1, request.getParameter( "url" ), new PercentCodec() );
 div.set( 2, request.getParameter( "message" ), new JavaScriptCodec() );
 out.println( div.toString() );
 // escaping for SQL
 PreparedString query = new PreparedString( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name='?' AND password='?'", new OracleCodec() );
 query.set( 1, request.getParameter( "name" ) );
 query.set( 2, request.getParameter( "pass" ) );
 stmt.execute( query.toString() );

June 1, 2007
Jeff Williams (jeff.williams .at. Aspect Security

Constructor Summary
PreparedString(String template, char parameterCharacter, Codec codec)
          Create a PreparedString with the supplied template, parameter placeholder character, and Codec.
PreparedString(String template, Codec codec)
          Create a PreparedString with the supplied template and Codec.
Method Summary
 void set(int index, String value)
          Set the parameter at index with supplied value using the default Codec to escape.
 void set(int index, String value, Codec codec)
          Set the parameter at index with supplied value using the supplied Codec to escape.
 String toString()
          Render the PreparedString by combining the template with properly escaped parameters.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PreparedString(String template,
                      Codec codec)
Create a PreparedString with the supplied template and Codec. The template should use the default parameter placeholder character (?) in the place where actual parameters are to be inserted. The supplied Codec will be used to escape characters in calls to set, unless a specific Codec is provided to override it.

template -
codec -


public PreparedString(String template,
                      char parameterCharacter,
                      Codec codec)
Create a PreparedString with the supplied template, parameter placeholder character, and Codec. The parameter character can be any character, but should not be one that will be used in the template. The parameter character can safely be used in a parameter passed into the set methods.

template -
parameterCharacter -
codec -
Method Detail


public void set(int index,
                String value)
Set the parameter at index with supplied value using the default Codec to escape.

index -
value -


public void set(int index,
                String value,
                Codec codec)
Set the parameter at index with supplied value using the supplied Codec to escape.

index -
value -
codec -


public String toString()
Render the PreparedString by combining the template with properly escaped parameters.

toString in class Object

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