Class SecurityConfiguration.Threshold

  extended by org.owasp.esapi.SecurityConfiguration.Threshold
Enclosing interface:

public static class SecurityConfiguration.Threshold
extends Object

Models a simple threshold as a count and an interval, along with a set of actions to take if the threshold is exceeded. These thresholds are used to define when the accumulation of a particular event has met a set number within the specified time period. Once a threshold value has been met, various actions can be taken at that point.

Field Summary
 List<String> actions
          The list of actions to take if the threshold is met.
 int count
          The count at which this threshold is triggered.
 long interval
          The time frame within which 'count' number of actions has to be detected in order to trigger this threshold.
 String name
          The name of this threshold.
Constructor Summary
SecurityConfiguration.Threshold(String name, int count, long interval, List<String> actions)
          Constructs a threshold that is composed of its name, its threshold count, the time window for the threshold, and the actions to take if the threshold is triggered.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public String name
The name of this threshold.


public int count
The count at which this threshold is triggered.


public long interval
The time frame within which 'count' number of actions has to be detected in order to trigger this threshold.


public List<String> actions
The list of actions to take if the threshold is met. It is expected that this is a list of Strings, but your implementation could have this be a list of any type of 'actions' you wish to define.

Constructor Detail


public SecurityConfiguration.Threshold(String name,
                                       int count,
                                       long interval,
                                       List<String> actions)
Constructs a threshold that is composed of its name, its threshold count, the time window for the threshold, and the actions to take if the threshold is triggered.

name - The name of this threshold.
count - The count at which this threshold is triggered.
interval - The time frame within which 'count' number of actions has to be detected in order to trigger this threshold.
actions - The list of actions to take if the threshold is met.

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