Class XMLEntityCodec

  extended by org.owasp.esapi.codecs.Codec
      extended by org.owasp.esapi.codecs.XMLEntityCodec

public class XMLEntityCodec
extends Codec

Implementation of the Codec interface for XML entity encoding. This differes from HTML entity encoding in that only the following named entities are predefined:

However, the XML Specification 1.0 states in section 4.6 "Predefined Entities" that these should still be declared for interoperability purposes. As such, encoding in this class will not use them. It's also worth noting that unlike the HTMLEntityCodec, a trailing semicolon is required and all valid codepoints are accepted. Note that it is a REALLY bad idea to use this for decoding as an XML document can declare arbitrary entities that this Codec has no way of knowing about. Decoding is included for completeness but it's use is not recommended. Use a XML parser instead!

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Character decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
          Returns the decoded version of the next character from the input string and advances the current character in the PushbackString.
 String encodeCharacter(char[] immune, Character c)
          Default implementation that should be overridden in specific codecs.
Methods inherited from class org.owasp.esapi.codecs.Codec
containsCharacter, decode, encode, getHexForNonAlphanumeric, toHex, toOctal
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XMLEntityCodec()
Method Detail


public String encodeCharacter(char[] immune,
                              Character c)
Default implementation that should be overridden in specific codecs. Encodes a Character using XML entities as necessary.

encodeCharacter in class Codec
immune - characters that should not be encoded as entities
c - the Character to encode
the encoded Character


public Character decodeCharacter(PushbackString input)
Returns the decoded version of the next character from the input string and advances the current character in the PushbackString. If the current character is not encoded, this method MUST reset the PushbackString. Returns the decoded version of the character starting at index, or null if no decoding is possible. Legal formats:

decodeCharacter in class Codec
input - the Character to decode
the decoded Character

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