Interface HandleDirectory<H,​REF>

  • Type Parameters:
    H - The handle used by the HandleDirectory.
    REF - The type of the objects to which the handles reference to.
    All Superinterfaces:

    public interface HandleDirectory<H,​REF>
    extends HandleLookup<H,​REF>
    The handle directory enables listing of all known data managed by the implementing component.
    • Method Detail

      • handles

        Set<H> handles()
        Retrieves a list of all known handles managed by the implementing component.
        The list of the handles known by the implementing component.
      • handleReferences

        <T extends REFCollection<T> handleReferences()
        Retrieves a list of all known objects for which there is a handle.
        Type Parameters:
        T - As of convenience, the type of the reference returned. CAUTION: The type T being a sub-type of REF has the drawback that in case you specify a sub-type of REF (T), you may end up with a class cast exception in case you do not make sure that the handle references the expected type T.
        The list of the objects managed by a handle.