Interface HandleLookup<H,​REF>

  • Type Parameters:
    H - The type of the handles.
    REF - The type of the objects to which the handles reference to.
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    CompositeComponentHandle<H,​REF>, HandleDirectory<H,​REF>

    public interface HandleLookup<H,​REF>
    Any system in this framework being able to work with handles provides an implementation of the handle lookup interface. This enables a unified access to the system wide handles.
    • Method Detail

      • hasHandle

        boolean hasHandle​(H aHandle)
        Used to test if the given handle is known by an implementing system.
        aHandle - The handle for which to find out if there is any related data.
        True if the handle is known.
      • lookupHandle

        REF lookupHandle​(H aHandle)
                  throws UnknownHandleRuntimeException
        Gets the object associated to a given handle.
        aHandle - The handle for which to get the related data.
        The object associated to the given handle.
        UnknownHandleRuntimeException - the unknown handle runtime exception
      • removeHandle

        REF removeHandle​(H aHandle)
                  throws UnknownHandleRuntimeException
        Gets the descriptor for a given handle.
        aHandle - The handle for which to get the descriptor.
        The descriptor for the given handle.
        UnknownHandleRuntimeException - the unknown handle runtime exception