
object Xhtml
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def sequenceToXML(children: Seq[Node], pscope: NamespaceBinding, sb: StringBuilder, stripComments: Boolean, decodeEntities: Boolean, preserveWhitespace: Boolean, minimizeTags: Boolean): Unit

Amounts to calling toXhtml(node, ...) with the given parameters on each node.

Amounts to calling toXhtml(node, ...) with the given parameters on each node.

def toXhtml(node: Node): String

Convenience function: same as toXhtml(node, false, false)

Convenience function: same as toXhtml(node, false, false)

Value parameters:

the node

def toXhtml(nodeSeq: NodeSeq): String

Convenience function: amounts to calling toXhtml(node) on each node in the sequence.

Convenience function: amounts to calling toXhtml(node) on each node in the sequence.

Value parameters:

the node sequence

def toXhtml(x: Node, pscope: NamespaceBinding, sb: StringBuilder, stripComments: Boolean, decodeEntities: Boolean, preserveWhitespace: Boolean, minimizeTags: Boolean): Unit