
Type members


case object ANY extends ContentModel
case class AttListDecl(name: String, attrs: List[AttrDecl]) extends MarkupDecl
case class AttrDecl(name: String, tpe: String, default: DefaultDecl)

an attribute declaration. at this point, the tpe is a string. Future versions might provide a way to access the attribute types more directly.

an attribute declaration. at this point, the tpe is a string. Future versions might provide a way to access the attribute types more directly.

object ContentModel extends WordExp
sealed abstract class ContentModel
case class DEFAULT(fixed: Boolean, attValue: String) extends DefaultDecl
sealed abstract class DFAContentModel extends ContentModel
abstract class DTD

A document type declaration.

A document type declaration.

sealed abstract class Decl

XML declarations

XML declarations

sealed abstract class DefaultDecl
case class DocType(name: String, extID: ExternalID, intSubset: Seq[Decl])

An XML node for document type declaration.

An XML node for document type declaration.

Value parameters:

NoExternalID or the external ID of this doctype


sequence of internal subset declarations


name of this DOCTYPE

object DocType
case class ELEMENTS(r: RegExp) extends DFAContentModel
case object EMPTY extends ContentModel
case class ElemDecl(name: String, contentModel: ContentModel) extends MarkupDecl

an element declaration

an element declaration

sealed abstract class EntityDecl extends MarkupDecl

an entity declaration

an entity declaration

sealed abstract class EntityDef
case class ExtDef(extID: ExternalID) extends EntityDef
sealed abstract class ExternalID extends TokenTests

an ExternalIDs - either PublicID or SystemID

an ExternalIDs - either PublicID or SystemID

case object IMPLIED extends DefaultDecl
case class IntDef(value: String) extends EntityDef
case class MIXED(r: RegExp) extends DFAContentModel
sealed abstract class MarkupDecl extends Decl
object NoExternalID extends ExternalID

A marker used when a DocType contains no external id.

A marker used when a DocType contains no external id.

case class NotationDecl(name: String, extID: ExternalID) extends MarkupDecl

a notation declaration

a notation declaration

case object PCDATA extends ContentModel
case class PEReference(ent: String) extends MarkupDecl

a parsed entity reference

a parsed entity reference

case class ParameterEntityDecl(name: String, entdef: EntityDef) extends EntityDecl

a parameter entity declaration

a parameter entity declaration

case class ParsedEntityDecl(name: String, entdef: EntityDef) extends EntityDecl

a parsed general entity declaration

a parsed general entity declaration

case class PublicID(publicId: String, systemId: String) extends ExternalID

a public identifier (see

Value parameters:

the public identifier literal


(can be null for notation pubIDs) the system identifier literal

case object REQUIRED extends DefaultDecl
case class SystemID(systemId: String) extends ExternalID

a system identifier

a system identifier

Value parameters:

the system identifier literal

class Tokens
case class UnparsedEntityDecl(name: String, extID: ExternalID, notation: String) extends EntityDecl

an unparsed entity declaration

an unparsed entity declaration

case class ValidationException(e: String) extends Exception