
trait Collection

[source: scala/collection/jcl/Collection.scala]

trait Collection[A]
extends MutableIterable[A]
Analogous to a Java collection.
Sean McDirmid
Direct Known Subclasses:
Buffer, Collection.Projection, CollectionWrapper, Set

Method Summary
def + (t : A) : Collection[A]
adds "a" from the collection. Useful for chaining.
def ++ (that : Iterable[A]) : Collection[A]
Operator shortcut for addAll.
def += (t : A) : Unit
adds "a" from the collection.
def -= (a : A) : Unit
removes "a" from the collection.
abstract def add (a : A) : Boolean
Adds "a" to the collection, return true if "a" is actually added.
def addAll (i : Iterable[A]) : Boolean
Adds all elements in "i" to the collection, return true if any elements are added.
def hasAll (i : Iterable[A]) : Boolean
Type-safe version of containsAll. * * @author Sean McDirmid
override def projection : Projection[A]
returns a projection that can be used to call non-strict filter, map, and flatMap methods that build projections of the collection.
abstract def transform (f : (A) => A) : Boolean
Transforms each element of the collection in-place according to f.
Methods inherited from MutableIterable
elements (abstract), has, remove, removeAll, --, -, retainOnly, retainAll, size0, clear
Methods inherited from Collection
size (abstract), toArray, toString, stringPrefix
Methods inherited from Iterable
concat, ++, map, flatMap, filter, partition, takeWhile, dropWhile, take, drop, foreach, forall, exists, find, findIndexOf, indexOf, foldLeft, foldRight, /:, :\, reduceLeft, reduceRight, copyToBuffer, sameElements, toList, toSeq, toStream, mkString, mkString, mkString, addString, addString, addString, copyToArray, isEmpty, hasDefiniteSize
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
def hasAll(i : Iterable[A]) : Boolean
Type-safe version of containsAll. * * @author Sean McDirmid

abstract def add(a : A) : Boolean
Adds "a" to the collection, return true if "a" is actually added.

def addAll(i : Iterable[A]) : Boolean
Adds all elements in "i" to the collection, return true if any elements are added.

def ++(that : Iterable[A]) : Collection[A]
Operator shortcut for addAll.

def -=(a : A) : Unit
removes "a" from the collection.

def +=(t : A) : Unit
adds "a" from the collection.

def +(t : A) : Collection[A]
adds "a" from the collection. Useful for chaining.

abstract def transform(f : (A) => A) : Boolean
Transforms each element of the collection in-place according to f.
f -
true if the collection is actually updated.

override def projection : Projection[A]
returns a projection that can be used to call non-strict filter, map, and flatMap methods that build projections of the collection.