
trait CollectionWrapper

[source: scala/collection/jcl/CollectionWrapper.scala]

trait CollectionWrapper[A]
extends Collection[A] with IterableWrapper[A]
Used to wrap Java collections in Scala.
Sean McDirmid
Direct Known Subclasses:
BufferWrapper, SetWrapper

Method Summary
override def add (a : A) : Boolean
Adds "a" to the collection, return true if "a" is actually added.
override def addAll (that : Iterable[A]) : Boolean
Adds all elements in "i" to the collection, return true if any elements are added.
override def elements : MutableIterator[A]
The default implementation of a map over mutable iterable collections.
override def equals (that : Any) : Boolean
This method is used to compare the receiver object (this) with the argument object (arg0) for equivalence.
override def has (a : A) : Boolean
override def hasAll (that : Iterable[A]) : Boolean
Type-safe version of containsAll. * * @author Sean McDirmid
override def hashCode : Int
Returns a hash code value for the object.
override def size : Int
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
override def toString : java.lang.String
Returns a string representation of the object.
abstract def underlying : java.util.Collection[A]
Override to specify the collection being accessed through this wrapper. * Collection operations are then routed through the wrapped Java collection.
Methods inherited from IterableWrapper
remove, removeAll, retainAll, isEmpty, clear
Methods inherited from Collection
transform (abstract), ++, -=, +=, +, projection
Methods inherited from MutableIterable
--, -, retainOnly, size0
Methods inherited from Collection
toArray, stringPrefix
Methods inherited from Iterable
concat, ++, map, flatMap, filter, partition, takeWhile, dropWhile, take, drop, foreach, forall, exists, find, findIndexOf, indexOf, foldLeft, foldRight, /:, :\, reduceLeft, reduceRight, copyToBuffer, sameElements, toList, toSeq, toStream, mkString, mkString, mkString, addString, addString, addString, copyToArray, hasDefiniteSize
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
abstract def underlying : java.util.Collection[A]
Override to specify the collection being accessed through this wrapper. * Collection operations are then routed through the wrapped Java collection.

override def has(a : A) : Boolean
true if t is in the collection.

override def elements : MutableIterator[A]
The default implementation of a map over mutable iterable collections.

override def size : Int
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
number of collection elements.

override def hasAll(that : Iterable[A]) : Boolean
Type-safe version of containsAll. * * @author Sean McDirmid

override def add(a : A) : Boolean
Adds "a" to the collection, return true if "a" is actually added.

override def addAll(that : Iterable[A]) : Boolean
Adds all elements in "i" to the collection, return true if any elements are added.

override def toString : java.lang.String
Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.

a string representation of the object.

override def hashCode : Int
Returns a hash code value for the object.

The default hashing algorithm is platform dependent. Note that it is allowed for two objects to have identical hash codes (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)) yet not be equal (o1.equals(o2) returns false). A degenerate implementation could always return 0. However, it is required that if two objects are equal (o1.equals(o2) returns true) that they have identical hash codes (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)). Therefore, when overriding this method, be sure to verify that the behavior is consistent with the equals method.

the hash code value for the object.

override def equals(that : Any) : Boolean
This method is used to compare the receiver object (this) with the argument object (arg0) for equivalence.

The default implementations of this method is an equivalence relation:

  • It is reflexive: for any instance x of type Any, x.equals(x) should return true.
  • It is symmetric: for any instances x and y of type Any, x.equals(y) should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true.
  • It is transitive: for any instances x, y, and z of type AnyRef if x.equals(y) returns true and y.equals(z) returns true, then x.equals(z) should return true.

If you override this method, you should verify that your implementation remains an equivalence relation. Additionally, when overriding this method it is often necessary to override hashCode to ensure that objects that are "equal" (o1.equals(o2) returns true) hash to the same Int (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)).

arg0 - the object to compare against this object for equality.
true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.