
class Parser

[source: scala/util/parsing/json/Parser.scala]

class Parser
extends StdTokenParsers with ImplicitConversions
Derek Chen-Becker <"java"+@+"chen-becker"+"."+"org">
Direct Known Subclasses:

Type Summary
type NumericParser
Type signature for functions that can parse numeric literals
type Tokens
Tokens is the abstract type of the `Token's consumed by the parsers in this component
Value Summary
protected var defaultNumberParser : Function1
val lexical : Lexer
lexical is the component responsible for consuming some basic kind of input (usually character-based) and turning it into the tokens understood by these parsers.
protected val numberParser : java.lang.ThreadLocal[Function1]
Values and Variables inherited from StdTokenParsers
Values and Variables inherited from Parsers
Method Summary
def jsonArray : Parser[List[Any]]
def jsonObj : Parser[List[(java.lang.String, Any)]]
def number : Parser[Any]
def objEntry : Parser[(java.lang.String, Any)]
def root : Parser[List[Any]]
def stringVal : Parser[java.lang.String]
def value : Parser[Any]
Methods inherited from ImplicitConversions
flatten2, flatten3, flatten4, flatten5, headOptionTailToFunList
Methods inherited from StdTokenParsers
keyword, numericLit, stringLit, ident
Methods inherited from Parsers
Parser, OnceParser, commit, elem, elem, accept, accept, accept, acceptIf, acceptMatch, acceptSeq, failure, err, success, log, rep, repsep, rep1, rep1, repN, rep1sep, chainl1, chainl1, chainr1, opt, not, guard, positioned, phrase, mkList
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Type Details
type Tokens
Tokens is the abstract type of the `Token's consumed by the parsers in this component

type NumericParser
Type signature for functions that can parse numeric literals

Value Details
val lexical : Lexer
lexical is the component responsible for consuming some basic kind of input (usually character-based) and turning it into the tokens understood by these parsers.

protected var defaultNumberParser : Function1

protected val numberParser : java.lang.ThreadLocal[Function1]

Method Details
def root : Parser[List[Any]]

def jsonObj : Parser[List[(java.lang.String, Any)]]

def jsonArray : Parser[List[Any]]

def objEntry : Parser[(java.lang.String, Any)]

def value : Parser[Any]

def stringVal : Parser[java.lang.String]

def number : Parser[Any]