
class BTypesFromSymbols[I <: DottyBackendInterface](val int: I) extends BTypes

This class mainly contains the method classBTypeFromSymbol, which extracts the necessary information from a symbol and its type to create the corresponding ClassBType. It requires access to the compiler (global parameter).

The mixin CoreBTypes defines core BTypes that are used in the backend. Building these BTypes uses classBTypeFromSymbol, hence requires access to the compiler (global).

BTypesFromSymbols extends BTypes because the implementation of BTypes requires access to some of the core btypes. They are declared in BTypes as abstract members. Note that BTypes does not have access to the compiler instance.

class BTypes
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited classlikes

case class ArrayBType(componentType: BType)
Inherited from
case object BOOL
Inherited from
trait BType

A BType is either a primitve type, a ClassBType, an ArrayBType of one of these, or a MethodType referring to BTypes.

A BType is either a primitve type, a ClassBType, an ArrayBType of one of these, or a MethodType referring to BTypes.

Inherited from
case object BYTE
Inherited from
case object CHAR
Inherited from
object ClassBType
Inherited from
final class ClassBType(val internalName: String)

A ClassBType represents a class or interface type. The necessary information to build a ClassBType is extracted from compiler symbols and types, see BTypesFromSymbols.

A ClassBType represents a class or interface type. The necessary information to build a ClassBType is extracted from compiler symbols and types, see BTypesFromSymbols.

The offset and length fields are used to represent the internal name of the class. They are indices into some character array. The internal name can be obtained through the method internalNameString, which is abstract in this component. Name creation is assumed to be hash-consed, so if two ClassBTypes have the same internal name, they NEED to have the same offset and length.

The actual implementation in subclass BTypesFromSymbols uses the global chrs array from the name table. This representation is efficient because the JVM class name is obtained through classSymbol.javaBinaryName. This already adds the necessary string to the chrs array, so it makes sense to reuse the same name table in the backend.

ClassBType is not a case class because we want a custom equals method, and because the extractor extracts the internalName, which is what you typically need.

Inherited from
case class ClassInfo(superClass: Option[ClassBType], interfaces: List[ClassBType], flags: Int, memberClasses: List[ClassBType], nestedInfo: Option[NestedInfo])

The type info for a class. Used for symboltable-independent subtype checks in the backend.

The type info for a class. Used for symboltable-independent subtype checks in the backend.

Value Params

The java flags, obtained through javaFlags. Used also to derive the flags for InnerClass entries.


All transitively implemented interfaces, except for those inherited through the superclass.


Classes nested in this class. Those need to be added to the InnerClass table, see the InnerClass spec summary above.


If this describes a nested class, information for the InnerClass table.


The super class, not defined for class java/lang/Object.

Inherited from
case object DOUBLE
Inherited from
case object FLOAT
Inherited from
case object INT
Inherited from
case class InnerClassEntry(name: String, outerName: String, innerName: String, flags: Int)

This class holds the data for an entry in the InnerClass table. See the InnerClass summary above in this file.

This class holds the data for an entry in the InnerClass table. See the InnerClass summary above in this file.

There's some overlap with the class NestedInfo, but it's not exactly the same and cleaner to keep separate.

Value Params

The flags for this class in the InnerClass entry.


The simple name of the inner class, may be null.


The internal name of the class.


The internal name of the outer class, may be null.

Inherited from
case object LONG
Inherited from
case class MethodBType(argumentTypes: List[BType], returnType: BType)
Inherited from
case class MethodNameAndType(name: String, methodType: MethodBType)

Just a named pair, used in CoreBTypes.asmBoxTo/asmUnboxTo.

Just a named pair, used in CoreBTypes.asmBoxTo/asmUnboxTo.

Inherited from
case class NestedInfo(enclosingClass: ClassBType, outerName: Option[String], innerName: Option[String], isStaticNestedClass: Boolean)

Information required to add a class to an InnerClass table. The spec summary above explains what information is required for the InnerClass entry.

Information required to add a class to an InnerClass table. The spec summary above explains what information is required for the InnerClass entry.

Value Params

The enclosing class, if it is also nested. When adding a class to the InnerClass table, enclosing nested classes are also added.


The innerName field, may be None.


True if this is a static nested class (not inner class) () () Note that the STATIC flag in ClassInfo.flags, obtained through javaFlags(classSym), is not correct for the InnerClass entry, see javaFlags. The static flag in the InnerClass describes a source-level propety: if the class is in a static context (does not have an outer pointer). This is checked when building the NestedInfo.


The outerName field in the InnerClass entry, may be None.

Inherited from
sealed trait PrimitiveBType
Inherited from
sealed trait RefBType
Inherited from
case object SHORT
Inherited from
case object UNIT
Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

final def classBTypeFromSymbol(classSym: Symbol): ClassBType

The ClassBType for a class symbol sym.

The ClassBType for a class symbol sym.

final def javaFlags(sym: Symbol): Int

Return the Java modifiers for the given symbol. Java modifiers for classes:

Return the Java modifiers for the given symbol. Java modifiers for classes:

  • public, abstract, final, strictfp (not used) for interfaces:
  • the same as for classes, without 'final' for fields:
  • public, private (*)
  • static, final for methods:
  • the same as for fields, plus:
  • abstract, synchronized (not used), strictfp (not used), native (not used) for all:
  • deprecated

(*) protected cannot be used, since inner classes 'see' protected members, and they would fail verification after lifted.

Inherited methods

Obtain a previously constructed ClassBType for a given internal name.

Obtain a previously constructed ClassBType for a given internal name.

Inherited from