
abstract class TypeMap(var mapCtx: Context) extends VariantTraversal with Type => Type
trait Type => Type
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply(tp: Type): Type

Concrete methods

def andThen(f: Type => Type): TypeMap
protected def derivedAlias(tp: AliasingBounds, alias: Type): Type
protected def derivedAndType(tp: AndType, tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Type
protected def derivedAnnotatedType(tp: AnnotatedType, underlying: Type, annot: Annotation): Type
protected def derivedAppliedType(tp: AppliedType, tycon: Type, args: List[Type]): Type
protected def derivedClassInfo(tp: ClassInfo, pre: Type): Type
protected def derivedExprType(tp: ExprType, restpe: Type): Type
protected def derivedJavaArrayType(tp: JavaArrayType, elemtp: Type): Type
protected def derivedLambdaType(tp: LambdaType)(formals: List[PInfo], restpe: Type): Type
protected def derivedMatchType(tp: MatchType, bound: Type, scrutinee: Type, cases: List[Type]): Type
protected def derivedOrType(tp: OrType, tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Type
protected def derivedRecType(tp: RecType, parent: Type): Type
protected def derivedRefinedType(tp: RefinedType, parent: Type, info: Type): Type
protected def derivedSelect(tp: NamedType, pre: Type): Type
protected def derivedSkolemType(tp: SkolemType, info: Type): Type
protected def derivedSuperType(tp: SuperType, thistp: Type, supertp: Type): Type
protected def derivedTypeBounds(tp: TypeBounds, lo: Type, hi: Type): Type
protected def derivedWildcardType(tp: WildcardType, bounds: Type): Type
protected def mapArgs(args: List[Type], tparams: List[ParamInfo]): List[Type]
protected def mapClassInfo(tp: ClassInfo): Type

Can be overridden. By default, only the prefix is mapped.

Can be overridden. By default, only the prefix is mapped.

def mapOver(tp: Type): Type

Map this function over given type

Map this function over given type

def mapOver(syms: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol]
def mapOver(scope: Scope): Scope
def mapOver(tree: Tree): Tree
protected def mapOverLambda(tp: LambdaType): Type

Inherited methods

def andThen[A](g: Type => A): Type => A
Inherited from
inline protected def atVariance[T](v: Int)(op: => T): T
Inherited from
def compose[A](g: A => Type): A => Type
Inherited from
protected def isStaticPrefix(pre: Type)(using Context): Boolean

Can the prefix of this static reference be omitted if the reference itself can be omitted? Overridden in TypeOps#avoid.

Can the prefix of this static reference be omitted if the reference itself can be omitted? Overridden in TypeOps#avoid.

Inherited from
protected def stopAtStatic: Boolean
Inherited from
Inherited from
override def toString(): String
Definition Classes
Function1 -> Any
Inherited from



implicit protected val mapCtx: Context