
Type members


class JavaDefaultMethod extends StaticAnnotation

Mark a concrete trait method as a Java default method.

Mark a concrete trait method as a Java default method.

This annotation can be used on concrete trait methods to mark them as Java default methods. This should be used only to implement interfaces of the JDK that have default methods in Java.

Otherwise using this annotation is unspecified.

class alwaysinline extends StaticAnnotation

Always inline a method, even in debug mode.

Always inline a method, even in debug mode.

class nooptimize extends StaticAnnotation

Don't optimize annotated method at all.

Don't optimize annotated method at all.

This annotation implies noinline and nospecialize. In case any inline annotations are provided, nooptimize wins over them (i.e. inline nooptimize is the same as nooptimize).

class nospecialize extends StaticAnnotation

Don't specialize annotated method.

Don't specialize annotated method.

class stub extends StaticAnnotation

An annotation that is used to indicate that a given method is provided as a stub, but is not currently supported. These methods are not discovered by the linker by default, but will be discovered only if a special flag is enabled.

An annotation that is used to indicate that a given method is provided as a stub, but is not currently supported. These methods are not discovered by the linker by default, but will be discovered only if a special flag is enabled.