
object Intrinsics
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def byteToUInt(b: Byte): Int

Intrinsified byte to unsigned int converstion.

Intrinsified byte to unsigned int converstion.

def byteToULong(b: Byte): Long

Intrinsified byte to unsigned long conversion.

Intrinsified byte to unsigned long conversion.

def castDoubleToLong(double: Double): Long

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets double as a long.

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets double as a long.

def castFloatToInt(float: Float): Int

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets float as an int.

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets float as an int.

def castIntToFloat(int: Int): Float

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets int as a float.

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets int as a float.

def castIntToRawPtr(int: Int): RawPtr

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets int as a raw pointer.

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets int as a raw pointer.

def castLongToDouble(long: Long): Double

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets long as a double.

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets long as a double.

def castLongToRawPtr(int: Long): RawPtr

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets long as a raw pointer.

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets long as a raw pointer.

def castObjectToRawPtr(obj: Object): RawPtr

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets object as a raw pointers.

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets object as a raw pointers.

def castRawPtrToInt(rawptr: RawPtr): Int

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets raw pointer as an int.

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets raw pointer as an int.

def castRawPtrToLong(rawptr: RawPtr): Long

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets raw pointer as an long.

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets raw pointer as an long.

def castRawPtrToObject(rawptr: RawPtr): Object

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets raw pointer as an object.

Intrinsified cast that reinterprets raw pointer as an object.

def classFieldRawPtr[T <: AnyRef](obj: T, fieldName: String): RawPtr

Intrinsified resolving of class field as a raw pointer

Intrinsified resolving of class field as a raw pointer

def divUInt(l: Int, r: Int): Int

Intrinsified unsigned devision on ints.

Intrinsified unsigned devision on ints.

def divULong(l: Long, r: Long): Long

Intrinsified unsigned devision on longs.

Intrinsified unsigned devision on longs.

def elemRawPtr(rawptr: RawPtr, offset: Long): RawPtr

Intrinsified computation of derived raw pointer.

Intrinsified computation of derived raw pointer.

def intToULong(v: Int): Long

Intrinsified int to unsigned long conversion.

Intrinsified int to unsigned long conversion.

def loadBoolean(rawptr: RawPtr): Boolean

Intrinsified raw memory load of boolean.

Intrinsified raw memory load of boolean.

def loadByte(rawptr: RawPtr): Byte

Intrinsified raw memory load of byte.

Intrinsified raw memory load of byte.

def loadChar(rawptr: RawPtr): Char

Intrinsified raw memory load of char.

Intrinsified raw memory load of char.

def loadDouble(rawptr: RawPtr): Double

Intrinsified raw memory load of double.

Intrinsified raw memory load of double.

def loadFloat(rawptr: RawPtr): Float

Intrinsified raw memory load of float.

Intrinsified raw memory load of float.

def loadInt(rawptr: RawPtr): Int

Intrinsified raw memory load of int.

Intrinsified raw memory load of int.

def loadLong(rawptr: RawPtr): Long

Intrinsified raw memory load of long.

Intrinsified raw memory load of long.

def loadObject(rawptr: RawPtr): Object

Intrinsified raw memory load of object.

Intrinsified raw memory load of object.

def loadRawPtr(rawptr: RawPtr): RawPtr

Intrinsified raw memory load of rawptr.

Intrinsified raw memory load of rawptr.

def loadShort(rawptr: RawPtr): Short

Intrinsified raw memory load of short.

Intrinsified raw memory load of short.

def remUInt(l: Int, r: Int): Int

Intrinsified unsigned remainder on ints.

Intrinsified unsigned remainder on ints.

def remULong(l: Long, r: Long): Long

Intrinsified unsigned remainder on longs.

Intrinsified unsigned remainder on longs.

def shortToUInt(v: Short): Int

Intrinsified short to unsigned int conversion.

Intrinsified short to unsigned int conversion.

def shortToULong(v: Short): Long

Intrinsified short to unsigned long conversion.

Intrinsified short to unsigned long conversion.

def stackalloc(size: CSize): RawPtr

Intrinsified stack allocation of n bytes.

Intrinsified stack allocation of n bytes.

def storeBoolean(rawptr: RawPtr, value: Boolean): Unit

Intrinsified raw memory store of boolean.

Intrinsified raw memory store of boolean.

def storeByte(rawptr: RawPtr, value: Byte): Unit

Intrinsified raw memory store of byte.

Intrinsified raw memory store of byte.

def storeChar(rawptr: RawPtr, value: Char): Unit

Intrinsified raw memory store of char.

Intrinsified raw memory store of char.

def storeDouble(rawptr: RawPtr, value: Double): Unit

Intrinsified raw memory store of double.

Intrinsified raw memory store of double.

def storeFloat(rawptr: RawPtr, value: Float): Unit

Intrinsified raw memory store of float.

Intrinsified raw memory store of float.

def storeInt(rawptr: RawPtr, value: Int): Unit

Intrinsified raw memory store of int.

Intrinsified raw memory store of int.

def storeLong(rawptr: RawPtr, value: Long): Unit

Intrinsified raw memory store of long.

Intrinsified raw memory store of long.

def storeObject(rawptr: RawPtr, value: Object): Unit

Intrinsified raw memory store of object.

Intrinsified raw memory store of object.

def storeRawPtr(rawptr: RawPtr, value: RawPtr): Unit

Intrinsified raw memory store of rawptr.

Intrinsified raw memory store of rawptr.

def storeShort(rawptr: RawPtr, value: Short): Unit

Intrinsified raw memory store of short.

Intrinsified raw memory store of short.

def uintToDouble(v: Int): Double

Intrinsified unsigned int to double conversion.

Intrinsified unsigned int to double conversion.

def uintToFloat(v: Int): Float

Intrinsified unsigned int to float conversion.

Intrinsified unsigned int to float conversion.

def ulongToDouble(v: Long): Double

Intrinsified unsigned long to double conversion.

Intrinsified unsigned long to double conversion.

def ulongToFloat(v: Long): Float

Intrinsified unsigned long to float conversion.

Intrinsified unsigned long to float conversion.