
sealed abstract class Global

The identifier of a type or method (aka a symbol).

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Member
object None.type
class Top

Value members

Abstract methods

def member(sig: Sig): Member

Returns a member of this with the given signature.

Returns a member of this with the given signature.

  • Requires: this is a top-level symbol.
def top: Top

Returns the owner of this.

Returns the owner of this.

Concrete methods

final def isTop: Boolean

Returns true iff this is a top-level symbol.

Returns true iff this is a top-level symbol.

final def mangle: String

Returns the mangled representation of this.

Returns the mangled representation of this.

Returns a member of this with the given signature.

Returns a member of this with the given signature.

  • Requires: this is a top-level symbol.
final def show: String

Returns a textual representation of this.

Returns a textual representation of this.