
Type members


final class BinaryDeserializer(buffer: ByteBuffer, nirSource: NIRSource)
class DeserializationException(global: Global, file: String, compatVersion: Int, revision: Int, cause: Throwable) extends RuntimeException
sealed abstract class InternedBinarySectionWriter[T] extends NIRSectionWriter
sealed abstract class NIRSectionWriter(initialBufferSize: Int)
case class Prelude(magic: Int, compat: Int, revision: Int, sections: Offsets, hasEntryPoints: Boolean)
object Prelude
object Tags

Serialization tags are unique type ids used to identify types in the binary representation of NIR. There are some holes in the numbering of the types to allow for binary-compatible leeway with adding new IR nodes.

Serialization tags are unique type ids used to identify types in the binary representation of NIR. There are some holes in the numbering of the types to allow for binary-compatible leeway with adding new IR nodes.

Value members

Concrete methods

def deserializeBinary(directory: VirtualDirectory, path: Path): Seq[Defn]