
trait Config

An object describing how to configure the Scala Native toolchain.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def classPath: Seq[Path]

Sequence of all NIR locations.

Sequence of all NIR locations.

The logger used by the toolchain.

The logger used by the toolchain.

def mainClass: String

Entry point for linking.

Entry point for linking.

def withClassPath(value: Seq[Path]): Config

Create a new config with given nir paths.

Create a new config with given nir paths.

def withLogger(value: Logger): Config

Create a new config with the given logger.

Create a new config with the given logger.

def withMainClass(value: String): Config

Create new config with given mainClass point.

Create new config with given mainClass point.

def withWorkdir(value: Path): Config

Create a new config with given directory.

Create a new config with given directory.

def workdir: Path

Directory to emit intermediate compilation results.

Directory to emit intermediate compilation results.

Concrete methods

def LTO: LTO

The LTO mode to use used during a release build.

The LTO mode to use used during a release build.

def check: Boolean

Shall linker check that NIR is well-formed after every phase?

Shall linker check that NIR is well-formed after every phase?

def clang: Path

The path to the clang executable.

The path to the clang executable.

def clangPP: Path

The path to the clang++ executable.

The path to the clang++ executable.

def compileOptions: Seq[String]

The compilation options passed to LLVM.

The compilation options passed to LLVM.

def dump: Boolean

Shall linker dump intermediate NIR after every phase?

Shall linker dump intermediate NIR after every phase?

def gc: GC

The garbage collector to use.

The garbage collector to use.

def linkStubs: Boolean

Should stubs be linked?

Should stubs be linked?

def linkingOptions: Seq[String]

The options passed to LLVM's linker.

The options passed to LLVM's linker.

def mode: Mode

Compilation mode.

Compilation mode.

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Not needed: discovery is internal", "0.4.0")
def nativelib: Path

Path to the nativelib jar.

Path to the nativelib jar.

@deprecated("Not needed: discovery is internal", "0.4.0")
def withNativelib(value: Path): Config

Create a new config with given path to nativelib.

Create a new config with given path to nativelib.
