
trait Logger

Interface to report and/or collect messages given by the toolchain.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def debug(msg: String): Unit

Logs msg at the debug level.

Logs msg at the debug level.

def error(msg: String): Unit

Logs msg at the errro level.

Logs msg at the errro level.

def info(msg: String): Unit

Logs msg at the info level.

Logs msg at the info level.

def trace(msg: Throwable): Unit

Logs msg at the trace level.

Logs msg at the trace level.

def warn(msg: String): Unit

Logs msg at the warn level.

Logs msg at the warn level.

Concrete methods

def running(cmd: Seq[String]): Unit

Logs at the debug level that the command cmd will start running.

Logs at the debug level that the command cmd will start running.

def time[T](msg: String)(f: => T): T

Executes f and logs at the info level how much long it took.

Executes f and logs at the info level how much long it took.