
object FileStreams

Gets input and output streams to a file, wrapping them in GZIP streams if the file ends with .gz.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def input(path: File): InputStream

Gets an input stream with proper buffering (minimum 16k) for the given file, automatically gunziping if the file name ends in .gz.

Gets an input stream with proper buffering (minimum 16k) for the given file, automatically gunziping if the file name ends in .gz.

def output(path: File): OutputStream

Gets an output stream writing to the given file with proper buffering (minimum 16k), automatically gziping if the file name ends in .gz.

Gets an output stream writing to the given file with proper buffering (minimum 16k), automatically gziping if the file name ends in .gz.

Concrete fields


Use a 16k buffer size.

Use a 16k buffer size.