object LSMR extends SerializableLogging

Nearly direct port of (BSD licensed code)

The only difference is that they square the regularization factor.

trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def solve[M, MT, V](A: M, b: V, regularization: Double, tolerance: Double, maxIter: Int, quiet: Boolean)(implicit multMV: Impl2[M, V, V], transA: CanTranspose[M, MT], multMTV: Impl2[MT, V, V], ispace: MutableInnerProductVectorSpace[V, Double]): V

Solves the problem min pow(norm(A * x - b), 2) + regularization * pow(norm(x), 2)

Solves the problem min pow(norm(A * x - b), 2) + regularization * pow(norm(x), 2)

Inherited methods

protected def logger: LazyLogger
Inherited from