
final class Invoker(target: AnyRef)

Class used via an implicit conversion to enable private methods to be tested.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def invokePrivate[T](invocation: Invocation[T]): T

Invoke a private method. This method will attempt to invoke via reflection a private method. The name of the method to invoke is contained in the methodName field of the passed Invocation. The arguments to pass are contained in the args field. The object on which to invoke the private method is the target object passed to this Invoker's primary constructor. The type parameter, T, is the return type of the private method.

Invoke a private method. This method will attempt to invoke via reflection a private method. The name of the method to invoke is contained in the methodName field of the passed Invocation. The arguments to pass are contained in the args field. The object on which to invoke the private method is the target object passed to this Invoker's primary constructor. The type parameter, T, is the return type of the private method.

Value parameters:

the Invocation object containing the method name symbol and args of the invocation.


the value returned by the invoked private method


if the target object does not have a method of the name, with argument types compatible with the objects in the passed args array, specified in the passed Invocation object.