
trait Sequencing[-S]

Typeclass that enables for sequencing certain contain syntax in the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

An Sequencing[A] provides access to the "sequenching nature" of type A in such a way that relevant contain matcher syntax can be used with type A. An A can be any type of sequencing—an object that in some way brings together other objects in order. ScalaTest provides implicit implementations for several types out of the box in the Sequencing companion object:

  • scala.collection.GenSeq

  • scala.collection.SortedSet

  • scala.collection.SortedMap

  • Array

  • java.util.List

  • java.util.SortedSet

  • java.util.SortedMap

  • String

The contain syntax enabled by this trait is:

  • result should contain inOrder (1, 2, 3)

  • result should contain inOrderOnly (1, 2, 3)

  • result should contain theSameElementsInOrderAs List(1, 2, 3)

You can enable the contain matcher syntax enabled by Sequencing on your own type U by defining an Sequencing[U] for the type and making it available implicitly.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def containsInOrder(sequence: S, eles: Seq[Any]): Boolean

Implements contain inOrder syntax for sequences of type S.

Implements contain inOrder syntax for sequences of type S.

Value parameters:

elements all of which should be contained, in order of appearance in eles, in the passed sequence


an sequence about which an assertion is being made


true if the passed sequence contains all of the passed elements in (iteration) order

def containsInOrderOnly(sequence: S, eles: Seq[Any]): Boolean

Implements contain inOrderOnly syntax for sequences of type S.

Implements contain inOrderOnly syntax for sequences of type S.

Value parameters:

the only elements that should be contained, in order of appearence in eles, in the passed sequence


an sequence about which an assertion is being made


true if the passed sequence contains only the passed elements in (iteration) order

def containsTheSameElementsInOrderAs(leftSequence: S, rightSequence: Iterable[Any]): Boolean

Implements contain theSameElementsInOrderAs syntax for sequences of type S.

Implements contain theSameElementsInOrderAs syntax for sequences of type S.

Value parameters:

an sequence about which an assertion is being made


an sequence that should contain the same elements, in (iterated) order as the passed leftSequence


true if the passed leftSequence contains the same elements, in (iterated) order, as the passed rightSequence