
sealed abstract
class Finger[V, A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Four[V, A]
class One[V, A]
class Three[V, A]
class Two[V, A]

Value members

Abstract methods

def +:(a: A): Finger[V, A]

Append the given element to the right

Append the given element to the right


the finger is Four.

def :+(a: A): Finger[V, A]

Prepends the given element to the left

Prepends the given element to the left


the finger is Four.

def :-|(a: A): Finger[V, A]

Replaces the last element of this finger with a

Replaces the last element of this finger with a

def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit m: Semigroup[B]): B
def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit

Apply the given side effect to each element.

Apply the given side effect to each element.

def iterator: Iterator[A]

An iterator that visits each element.

An iterator that visits each element.

def lhead: A
def ltail: Finger[V, A]
def map[B : ([B] =>> Reducer[B, V2]), V2](f: A => B): Finger[V2, B]
def measure: V
def reverseIterator: Iterator[A]

An iterator that visits each element in reverse order.

An iterator that visits each element in reverse order.

def rhead: A
def rtail: Finger[V, A]
def toTree: FingerTree[V, A]
def |-:(a: A): Finger[V, A]

Replaces the first element of this finger with a

Replaces the first element of this finger with a

Concrete methods

def toList: List[A]